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2018 RFA Primer and commentary


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We are going to start RFA on Thursday, April 12th at 9am EST.


Bids may be opened on any player designated as RFA or FT on the MFL site. Teams may not bid on their own RFAs or FTs. Bids may be increased by whole dollar amounts by any franchise except for the incumbent owner and current high bidder and the auction will remain open until no raised bid occurs for 24 hours. After that, the auction is deemed closed and the RFA owner has 24 hours to decide whether to match the bid, decline to match or trade the rights of the player. Trading the rights of a player does not reset this 24 hour clock and the acquiring team must post their intentions within the original timeframe. This 24 hour clock is observed from the timestamp of the last bid regardless of whether a mod is able to close the auction or not.


Edits on the message board will not be allowed during this time except to close auctions.


Bid format will be as follows:


RFA18 - Player Name Team Position (Current owner)

Example: RFA18 - Deion Sanders ATL CB (Footlongs) or FT18 - Emmitt Smith DAL RB (Longhorns)


Owners may not have more cumulative current high bids than total cash available, even if the auctions are not closed. If this occurs, Rule 6.3 of the constitution will be observed.


Commissioners will do our best to update cash in MFL as auctions are closed but all owners must be aware of what cash you have available at all times when bidding.


Although not an official rule, avoid spotlighting in the forums and other attention-grabbing actions to auctions and players yet to be bid on. I view this as being against the spirit of fair play and conduct detrimental to the league.


Full rules of RFA:


6 Restricted Free Agency

Once a player's contract expires, he becomes a Restricted Free Agent. RFA bidding begins Apr 12 and closes on Apr 24. No new bids will be accepted after Apr 24 at 7 pm EST; "bids in process" may continue until a final offer is reached for a player. After the RFA signing period, any players that did not receive bids will remain on the current team's roster at no cost.

6.1 Bidding Process
All RFA bids are made in the league forum and each bid thread title must include the player's name and current owner (example: RFA17 - Tim Brown, WR HB Longhorns, where 17 = current year) and the amount bid should be in the post. Owners may not raise their own high bids or bid on their own players. Once a bid is posted on a player, other interested owners may increase the bid. Owners may drop out of the bidding process for any individual player at any time unless they have the high bid. They may re-enter the process as long as bidding remains active for the player in question.

6.2 Bid Closing / Matching
Bidding will CLOSE on any player who doesn’t receive a bid for 24 consecutive hours. Once the auction is “CLOSED” on a player, the current owner will have 24 hours to match the highest bid and retain that player. If the bid is matched or 24 hours passes without a match then the auction will be marked “FINAL” for that player. The timer will NOT be turned off during weekends. The timer is turned off on Easter. Any bids made the Saturday prior to Easter will not close until the Monday following Easter. Any bids made on Easter will not close until the following Monday at midnight EST."

6.3 Overbidding
Owners who place bids must have enough AFL-Devy Bucks available to cover all outstanding high bids. If an owner overbids their budget at any time, that bid will be removed from the board. The highest bidder at the time of the overbid will be asked by the Commish/Roster Commish if they would like to maintain their previous bid. The overbidding owner can no longer bid for said player. (This exclusion will remain even if overbidding owner makes a trade for more AFL-Devy Bucks). All other bids placed by the offending owner will remain in effect. Anyone overbidding their AFL-Devy Buck balance will incur the following penalty(ies):

1st offense - $3 AFL-Devy Bucks fine. Bid is null and void.
2nd offense - $6 fine-Devy Bucks fine. Bid is null and void.
3rd offense - Owner is locked from remainder of bidding process in current RFA period (except matching). 


Commentary can continue below this post.

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Just a reminder:



No new bids will be accepted after Apr 24 at 7 pm EST; "bids in process" may continue until a final offer is reached for a player. After the RFA signing period, any players that did not receive bids will remain on the current team's roster at no cost.


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