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Move Cousins


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12 team Dynasty IDP 1 starting QB pass TD-6

Should  I try to make an offer of Cousins for DeShaun Watson? I understand because  of age difference  being a dynasty league I will need to add a little something on my end. I am thinking about it because I have WR Hopkins & I like pairing up my QB's with a top target. I do have concerns though as Watson with only a partial year is not a proven commodity. Look what happened with RG3 who looked fantastic his rookie year & also was good with his legs. Would you try it? My other QB is Cam.

Edited by FastSteve
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Does nobody seriously  have any thoughts on this. I get & figure because Cousins has a few years on Watson I'm going to have add a little something on my end beyond Cousins. I'm just wondering if it seems worth it for me to do such a move. Or should I just stick with Cousins who keeps proving himself  & should be in a better situation now with more talent around him.

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9 hours ago, the lone star said:

Watson > Cousins, so if you can do it, then go for it.

Well obviously I'm going to add something on my end. Not sure what.I'm not expecting a straight up trade. Especially with the Watson owner. I'm just wondering if it is worth it & if so how more on my end is reasonable.

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2 minutes ago, FastSteve said:

Well obviously I'm going to add something on my end. Not sure what.I'm not expecting a straight up trade. Especially with the Watson owner. I'm just wondering if it is worth it & if so how more on my end is reasonable.


Maybe a 2nd round pick. If you give a first, then it might not be worth it.

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  • 2 months later...

I loved Watson in college and am glad he has played well but it has really only been 6 games. I believe he is a winner but I would rather have the more sure thing in Cousins. He is going to an all around way better team and is in his prime for the next 3 to 4 years. Watson could be worth the risk but Cousins is good enough and in a good enough situation to just be a few point behind Watson overall. 

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