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Should The Commish Be Able To Unilaterally Remove Owners, If It's Against The Bylaws?

the lone star

Should The Commish Be Able To Unilaterally Remove Owners, If It's Against The Bylaws?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should The Commish Be Able To Unilaterally Remove Owners, If It's Against The Bylaws?

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Yikes...what's with all the caps?  And hell yes...not only should you exercise your unilaterality and remove their worthlessness from the sacredality of your most holiest of leagues, you should also go over to their house and remove all the tires from their vehicles.  That will fix the errors of their ways with your bylaws.

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12 hours ago, LordOpie said:

are you asking... is it okay or the commish to break the rules?


I should have provided more context. Basically, there's a removal procedure that is in the rules/bylaws, but nobody was really aware of it until now. The situation never came up, so this is the first time that the commish and the league members have examined it.


Rule says that it should be a league vote, but Commish thinks it is his sole right.

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3 hours ago, the lone star said:


I should have provided more context. Basically, there's a removal procedure that is in the rules/bylaws, but nobody was really aware of it until now. The situation never came up, so this is the first time that the commish and the league members have examined it.


Rule says that it should be a league vote, but Commish thinks it is his sole right.


Rules say its a league vote and not your sole right to remove a player. You need to step down off your high horse and let your leagues run and stop intervening or you are not going to be able to keep them full for years to come. Just a suggestion from one LM to another


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6 hours ago, the lone star said:


I should have provided more context. Basically, there's a removal procedure that is in the rules/bylaws, but nobody was really aware of it until now. The situation never came up, so this is the first time that the commish and the league members have examined it.


Rule says that it should be a league vote, but Commish thinks it is his sole right.


Sp there are rules none of the owners ever read or knew about, but now that they come up the commish is trying to break them, and the league wants to follow their unknown rules?

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