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Chicago White Sox are World Series Champs


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You know what, as a HUGH Cub fan, I'm supposed to hate the Sox... but the more I watched these guys play ball, the more impressed I became of their overall game. Solid starting pitching and a very versitile offense. Joe Crede is going to be one of the game's better third basemen. Houston really didn't have the firepower to handle the Sox. Thumbs-up to the Sox and all of their mullet-wearing fans. :D No, really... congrats to the Sox.

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You know what, as a HUGH Cub fan, I'm supposed to hate the Sox... but the more I watched these guys play ball, the more impressed I became of their overall game.  Solid starting pitching and a very versitile offense.  Joe Crede is going to be one of the game's better third basemen.  Houston really didn't have the firepower to handle the Sox.  Thumbs-up to the Sox and all of their mullet-wearing fans.  :D  No, really... congrats to the Sox.


sorry, i can't hear what you are saying, too many people are in the streets screaming, and my windows are shut :D

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Simply amazing. I'm in total shock from the sweep.


Never in my wildest dreams did I believe the Sox would get to the Series and win.


Juan Uribe has all but guaranteed he will be the SS for the team for the next 5 years. Most of the pitching is signed long term and this really could just be the beginning of a nice run in what will turn out to be a very competitive AL Central for the next few years.


Way to go boys!! :D:D

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Congrats on a great series for the Sox.  It was a lot closer than the 4-0 sweep suggested.  Every game had me shaking.  The only thing Im mad about is how we have to listen to Ozzie Guillen talk for the next few days.  I can't understand a darn word he says!






Alkausritayobnasla adf asdf argtartgahfhj Venezuela!!!!!!

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great series. very exciting. the astros are a class organization all the way. they deserve hugh props too. the owner hanging out with reinsdorf after the game and talking about the series was cool. you can't know what this means to the town and the team unless you've lived through all the futile dry yrs. one thing about sox fans, we've been kicked around so long that we have developed a resilliency (sp) from being the 2nd team in the 2nd city. you develop a chip after a while. one of the reasons most of us hate the cubs. hopefully this changes the outlook of baseball in chicago. for now, i just want to bask in the thought......THE CHICAGO WHITESOX ARE THE WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!! HOW SWEET IT IS. now, back to bed for me.

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Instead of wasting time re-typing my thoughts, here's what I wrote to a college buddy earlier this morning...


I began following the Sox back in '82 and, despite the decades of disappointment and misery, they've always been my #1 team. Coupling that with the fact that the franchise hit rock bottom twice in the past 20 years (and, up to a few weeks ago, had a season-ticket holder base of just over 9,000), plays ugly sister to one of the biggest jokes in professional sports, and gets no respect in the media makes this championship even more special. To top it off, all of my immediate family are huge fans and my sister's fiance' (just got engaged this weekend) is not only a fan, but his uncle is the head of security for the Sox (and he got to go see Game 2... lucky fatherless male!). So, it's great to be able to share this with them.


Although I knew they were going to win it all after sweeping Anaheim on the road, I NEVER thought they'd sweep the WS (figured it'd go to at least 6 games). The 'Stros played them hard (much more so than the sweep suggests), but couldn't capitalize on their opportunities. I give Ozzie credit for this. He completely changed the team's style of play and convinced Kenny Williams to go along with him. Williams also deserves props for having the ball to make some controversial moves (trading Carlos Lee for Podsednik, letting Maggs walk in free agency and replacing him with the oft-injured Jermaine Dye, signing alleged "clubhouse cancer" A.J. Pierzynski, signing the supposedly washed-up duo of Contreras and El Duque). And I've never seen a manager get as much out of mediocre players as Guillen did this year. Who would've though that Pierzynski, Podsednik, and Crede would've been clutch hitters in the playoffs? And he assembled one of the best defensive infields I've ever seen. While Sox pitching was great last night, the infield's defense won the game. And who would've thought that Dustin Hermanson would be a 34-save closer during the regular season and, after he had back problems, some rookie named Bobby Jenks would carry them through the Series. I hope Ozzie stays on the South Side for a long time, because he looks like the next Bobby Cox.


I agree with Gammons that, outside of the '98 Yankess, the '05 ChiSox are probably one of the best teams of the past 25 years (ranked up there with the '99 Yankees, the '89 A's, and the '84 Tigers). They're may not be "great" on paper, but they executed like none other.


Given that a bunch of guys on this team played over their heads this season, I'm not necessarily expecting a repeat next year. In terms of personnel, I'd like to see Paulie re-signed, as long as they're not significantly over-paying him. I heard a rumor that the BoSox were offering him $18 mil/year. If that's the case, Reinsdorf would almost certainly let him walk (and it would be tough to blame him). IIRC, Garland is up for arbitration and I'd like to see him get paid. I'm not sure what Crede's contract status is, but he's a Scott Boras client, so that makes him a big question mark. Everett will be gone next year. Unfortunately, Frank is probably gone (hmmm... $3 mil buyout vs. $10 mil for a guy who's played a combined 3 months in two seasons). If they can retain their core of (relatively) young players, they should at least be competitive over the next few years. Given what happened last night, the extra revenue from the playoffs and merchandising, and the fact that the ballpark renovations will be completed next year, I'd expect their payroll to increase to near $90 million. And that'll certainly help.


The White Sox organization has officially turned the corner. A World Series title in a championship-starved, baseball-friendly major market and a newly-renovated ballpark will ensure their financial well-being for the foreseeable future.


Even Bill! :D










Edited by Bill Swerski
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The White Sox "plays ugly sister to one of the biggest jokes in professional sports"


:D Never thought about it like that Bill but you are right.


Congrats to the White Sox. A great world champion.

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Congrats to the White Sox and all their fans! Except for those converted Cubs fans that bashed the Sox all year and are suddenly hugh Sox fans! The pitching continued to be terrific as it was all year throughout the playoffs, and they played fundamently sound baseball. Something that is lacking with many teams anymore.

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Was this one for Buck Weaver? :D



Seriously, congrats to the Sox and their fans. I know how sweet the taste of a championship is after many years wandering in the desert.

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Juan Uribe has all but guaranteed he will be the SS for the team for the next 5 years. Most of the pitching is signed long term and this really could just be the beginning of a nice run in what will turn out to be a very competitive AL Central for the next few years.







I believe Konerko is the only free agent the Sox need to re-sign and after the playoff run he had they're gonna have to pony up about 12 - 15 million a year to keep him...at least that's what the "experts" are saying.


Congrats White Sox fans. Your team was clearly the best in MLB this year. :D

I wish the Astros could've made it a little more interesting. The games were close but the Sox were always the ones who finished.

Edited by major-tom
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I believe Konerko is the only free agent the Sox need to re-sign and after the playoff run he had they're gonna have to pony up about 12 - 15 million a year to keep him...at least that's what the "experts" are saying.



Frank Thomas has a $10 million option and a ~$ 3 million buyout for next year. He probably won't be back, especially if they're serious about re-signing Paulie. I think that Garland is arbitration-eligible next season as well.


There's a rumor going around that the Red Sox offered Konerko $18 mil/year. If that's true, there's no way he'll be in a ChiSox uniform next year. Even $15 mil/year is pushing it, given that he doesn't hit for average and that just about anyone can play 1B.

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If Konerko is offered $18, well good luck in Boston. I don’t think he is worth that kind of money. He is slow, this season he was batting round .150 with runners in scoring position. And he is so streaky he is either hot or cold I want consistency for that kind of money. If we sign him for that much we will have to lose one of our pitchers. 4 out of our top 5 paid players are pitchers.

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If Konerko is offered $18, well good luck in Boston. I don’t think he is worth that kind of money. He is slow, this season he was batting round .150 with runners in scoring position. And he is so streaky he is either hot or cold I want consistency for that kind of money. If we sign him for that much we will have to lose one of our pitchers. 4 out of our top 5 paid players are pitchers.







He'll also be 30 next year. Great clubhouse guy, great team representative, and very good power numbers, but no way I'd give him a 5-year, $90 million contract.

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