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Bonds calls this his last season -- HR record or notESPN.com news services



Barry Bonds is preparing to enter spring training for his 21st -- and, he says, final -- Major League Baseball season.


The Giants slugger, who is 47 home runs shy of Hank Aaron's all-time record, told USA Today on Sunday he plans to retire after this season -- with or without the home run record.



If he doesn't break Hank Aaron's home run record this season, would you like to see Barry Bonds play beyond 2006?







"I'm not playing baseball anymore after this," Bonds told the paper in a telephone interview from his California home. "The game [isn't] fun anymore. I'm tired of all of the crap going on. I want to play this year out, hopefully win, and once the season is over, go home and be with my family. Maybe then everybody can just forget about me."


Bonds, who is in the final year of a five-year, $90 million contract, told the newspaper he is worn out -- tired of being a focal point because of his pursuit of Aaron's record and allegations of steroids use that have dogged him for years.


"I've never cared about records anyway," Bonds told USA Today, "so what difference does it make [if he finishes shy of Aaron's 755 career homers]? Right now, I'm telling you, I don't even want to play next year. Baseball is a fun sport. But I'm not having fun.


"I love the game of baseball itself, but I don't like what it's turned out to be. I'm not mad at anybody. It's just that right now I am not proud to be a baseball player."


ESPN Radio: Instant Reaction

Steve Phillips told ESPN Radio it will be difficult for Barry Bonds to catch Hank Aaron if he only plays one more season, and doesn't think this is Bonds reacting emotionally.

• Listen to Steve Phillips' instant reaction



Bonds, who said he plans to report Tuesday to the Giants' camp in Scottsdale, Ariz., missed most of last season after undergoing three knee operations and said he is still in pain. He said he isn't sure how many games he'll be able play this season.


"I can't even tell how you may pain pills I am on or how many sleeping pills I'm taking," he told USA Today. "I don't have a choice. I can't even run that much anymore. How can I run? I don't have any cartilage in that knee. I'm bone on bone.


"But I can still hit. I can rake. I can hit a baseball."


“ "I love the game of baseball itself, but I don't like what it's turned out to be. I'm not mad at anybody. It's just that right now I am not proud to be a baseball player." ”

— Barry Bonds told USA Today


Bonds set the single-season homer record in 2001 with 73 homers that season, but hit only five in 14 games last season.


He enters this season with 708 career home runs, third all-time behind Babe Ruth (714) and Aaron. He admits it would be a "great honor" to pass Ruth and knows his pursuit of history is great for the game, but he told the paper breaking the record "means more to baseball than it does to me."


"When Wayne Gretzky did his thing, how many kids wanted to play hockey? When Michael Jordan played, how many kids said they wanted to be the next Michael Jordan? Hopefully, some kid out there will watch me, thinking he can do what I did, and become a good baseball player, too.


"That's what the game is supposed to be about in the first place, isn't it?"


Playing baseball hasn't been that simple for Bonds in years.


The outfielder, who turns 42 in July, has long been in the spotlight for his ability to hit the ball in monumental fashion, but in recent years the attention he has received has had more to do with accusations of steroids use and the BALCO scandal.


According to federal grand jury transcripts obtained by The San Francisco Chronicle in 2004, Bonds testified he used two substances later identified as designer steroids, which he obtained from his trainer, Greg Anderson, who was indicted in the BALCO investigation.


"I'm clean, I've always been clean," said Bonds, who has repeatedly denied knowingly taking steroids. "But it never ends. It seems like every reporter from last season to this season has reported and opened up a new can of [expletive]. And I haven't even been to spring training. At least let me get to spring training and [expletive] up before you crucify me.


"Thank you for all of your criticism. Thank you for dogging me. The latest thing is that ESPN says that Barry is still big. They say I didn't lose weight. Well, you know what? I am still big. I'm fat [6 feet 2, 230 pounds]. I can't do much. I can't train like I used to. So the weight stays. I'm just not a skinny person, dude, I'm not. I never will be.




AP photo

Barry Bonds says he's ready to kiss the game goodbye, whether or not he's the home run king."So what [are] they going to say now? Are they going to say, 'Wow, I guess it can't be steroids anymore because he didn't lose all that weight?' Or are they going to be mad that I'm fat. Come on, which one is it?"


Commissioner Bud Selig told USA Today over the phone Saturday that Bonds has never failed a steroids test.


"I know there's a lot of conflicting things out there," Selig told the paper, "but there is no empirical data that Barry did anything wrong. People can have their own ideas, and they are free to draw their own conclusions. I understand that. But there should be a sense of fairness.


"People say that we ought to conduct investigations and do this and that. We have the toughest [drug-testing] program in American sports now, but before 2003 there is no data. We can have all of the investigations in the world, but there is nothing to investigate. I am not going to play God, and that's what some people are doing."


It seems the constant questions, as well as other off-field issues -- including a custody battle over his son, Nikolai, and the questions surrounding his health -- have become too much for the seven-time NL MVP.


"I think that's been my only downfall in all of this. I never let people know me. I just wanted to do my job and get the [expletive] out. Don't get me wrong. I love Michael Jordan, and I respect Michael Jordan. But I never wanted all that attention."


Bonds, who plans to hold a press conference once he reports to camp Tuesday, won't speculate on how many games his ailing knees will be able to handle.


"I'll play how many games God lets me play," he told the paper. "I can't predict how many. If I can play 160 games, I'll do it. If I can play only 100, I'll do that. I'll play what my body lets me play.


"All I know is that I'm trying to get to the World Series again. I want that ring. So I don't want to sit on no bench. When I sit on the bench, I hurt my teammates. I want to win."


Bonds chose not to join the United States team in next month's inaugural World Baseball Classic, telling USA Today he decided against playing because of his knee. He said his decision had nothing to do with the more stringent drug testing he would face in the international competition.


"This has nothing to do with drug testing," Bonds said. "I just don't want to do it. Come on, the World Cup isn't the Olympics. Who cares? Does it mean anything?


"Is it going to cost me in endorsements? Whoop-de-doo. I never had any endorsements, anyways. I don't base my life on that. I go to work like every other American."

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"I'm not playing baseball anymore after this," Bonds told the paper in a telephone interview from his California home. "The game [isn't] fun anymore. I'm tired of all of the crap going on. I want to play this year out, hopefully win, and once the season is over, go home and be with my family. Maybe then everybody can just forget about me."


Bonds, who is in the final year of a five-year, $90 million contract, told the newspaper he is worn out -- tired of being a focal point because of his pursuit of Aaron's record and allegations of steroids use that have dogged him for years.


"I've never cared about records anyway," Bonds told USA Today, "so what difference does it make [if he finishes shy of Aaron's 755 career homers]? Right now, I'm telling you, I don't even want to play next year. Baseball is a fun sport. But I'm not having fun.


"I love the game of baseball itself, but I don't like what it's turned out to be. I'm not mad at anybody. It's just that right now I am not proud to be a baseball player."


What's that, Barry? The game isnt fun anymore? You're tired of all the crap? Well, allow me to get you a tissue so you can dry your eyes.


Jeezus I hate this guy! Gets juiced to up so he can crush the ball that much more and go for the 755. Then, has the stones to act as if he was just minding his business at the local park with his kids and the whole world descended on him and caused him all this turmoil. Barry, you roided-out egomaniac, YOU BROUGHT THIS ALL ON YOURSELF!!!


So sick of hearing about this flipstick I could just puke. Please, let this be his last season and then let us hear of him no more!

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What's that, Barry? The game isnt fun anymore? You're tired of all the crap? Well, allow me to get you a tissue so you can dry your eyes.


Jeezus I hate this guy! Gets juiced to up so he can crush the ball that much more and go for the 755. Then, has the stones to act as if he was just minding his business at the local park with his kids and the whole world descended on him and caused him all this turmoil. Barry, you roided-out egomaniac, YOU BROUGHT THIS ALL ON YOURSELF!!!


So sick of hearing about this flipstick I could just puke. Please, let this be his last season and then let us hear of him no more!






Amen. :D


I bet he doesn't hit 25, just like that other POS steroid boy Sammy Sosa. Take away the juice, take away the HR's.

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seems he's changing his mind......




"If I can play [in 2007], I'm going to play; if I can't I won't," Bonds told MLB.com in a telephone interview Sunday. "If my knee holds up, I'll keep on going. I'm playing psychological games with myself right now. I don't want to set myself up for disappointment if things don't work out this season. So I go back and forth. Back and forth every day. These are the things that are going through my mind. This is what I'm struggling with."

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Report on ESPN Radio this morning said...


yesterday moring 2006 would be his last year


later yesterday he said he may play in 2007 too.


Maybe he could just go away now







It's a shame how this whole thing went down. Barry was the best player of my generation, and maybe the most talented player all-around that I'll ever see play. As a sidenote, I asked Barry for an autograph sometime in the early 90's while at Shea. I wasn't even a teenager yet, I was like "Barry, can you sign my ball?" He said something to the effect of "Yeah like your mother and my balls last night". :D

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It's a shame how this whole thing went down. Barry was the best player of my generation, and maybe the most talented player all-around that I'll ever see play. As a sidenote, I asked Barry for an autograph sometime in the early 90's while at Shea. I wasn't even a teenager yet, I was like "Barry, can you sign my ball?" He said something to the effect of "Yeah like your mother and my balls last night". :D







Did you go home and ask mom if she used a Sharpie or a Bic?

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Did you go home and ask mom if she used a Sharpie or a Bic?






LOL. It's funny, now I think it's a great story and that's just the way Barry is. However, as a die hard Mets household, my family went nuts and spoke to longtime Mets head of PR, Jay Horwitz. Horwitz was really cool and gave us seats to a bunch of games as well as tickets to a "Meet The Mets" event later that year. All in all, it was a good time.


I do get a certain satisfaction knowing that his name is ruined and there will most likely be an asterick next to anything he has done or will do in the future.

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I do get a certain satisfaction knowing that his name is ruined and there will most likely be an asterick next to anything he has done or will do in the future.






I completely agree! I heard someone on ESPN radio last week saying he was a Hall of Famer before 1998 when he suddenly bulked up. I think he was a fine player...but I would not have called him HOF caliber yet. Anything acheived with a head the size of watermelon should be astericized for sure.

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I completely agree!  I heard someone on ESPN radio last week saying he was a Hall of Famer before 1998 when he suddenly bulked up.  I think he was a fine player...but I would not have called him HOF caliber yet.  Anything acheived with a head the size of watermelon should be astericized for sure.


If you look at his numbers from when he broke in until his Incredible Hulk like performances of late I would be compelled to say that he was by far the greatest player I have ever see play, and maybe the best player I'll ever see. His "special" lotion however ruined his name and his legacy. He is also a horrible teammate and seems to have a knack for insulting 11 year old fans. :D

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:D he says "this game isn't fun anymore, I just wanna play this season, hopefully win, and go home and be with my family. Maybe then everyone can forget about me."




what a doooosh gab!!!

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If you look at his numbers from when he broke in until his Incredible Hulk like performances of late I would be compelled to say that he was by far the greatest player I have ever see play, and maybe the best player I'll ever see. His "special" lotion however ruined his name and his legacy. He is also a horrible teammate and seems to have a knack for insulting 11 year old fans. :D







He's the greatest hitter in history, period. The most feared player ever. When Bonds is in a groove his homerun vs. hittable pitches ratio is sick. I watched a game in 2001 in which he was thrown a bunch of garbage and three hittable pitches all game. Three homers. His team is 20 wins better when he is in the lineup. His OBP is absolutely ridiculous because he gets walked a zillion times a year. Give me Bonds in his prime over any other player in history. Roids or not, the man is a machine. I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of? has it right on, we will never see another hitter like Bonds.

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He's the greatest hitter in history, period. The most feared player ever. When Bonds is in a groove his homerun vs. hittable pitches ratio is sick. I watched a game in 2001 in which he was thrown a bunch of garbage and three hittable pitches all game. Three homers. His team is 20 wins better when he is in the lineup. His OBP is absolutely ridiculous because he gets walked a zillion times a year. Give me Bonds in his prime over any other player in history. Roids or not, the man is a machine. I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of? has it right on, we will never see another hitter like Bonds.






I hear you Cyclones, but without the juice, where would he be? The scandal rocked baseball, which WAS about as pure of a sport you could get. It really made me think about where the game was headed. There was an inquiry done in the minors and it turns out that steroids are much more widespread at the minor league levels where guys are just trying to get that big break. It's sad man. Bud Selig however is doing something right (there's a first time for everything). The rules this year are a lot more harsh for violators.

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I completely agree!  I heard someone on ESPN radio last week saying he was a Hall of Famer before 1998 when he suddenly bulked up.  I think he was a fine player...but I would not have called him HOF caliber yet.  Anything acheived with a head the size of watermelon should be astericized for sure.








I thought he was destined to the HOF before 1998. then he juiced up and ruined everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...
He's the greatest hitter in history, period. The most feared player ever. When Bonds is in a groove his homerun vs. hittable pitches ratio is sick. I watched a game in 2001 in which he was thrown a bunch of garbage and three hittable pitches all game. Three homers. His team is 20 wins better when he is in the lineup. His OBP is absolutely ridiculous because he gets walked a zillion times a year. Give me Bonds in his prime over any other player in history. Roids or not, the man is a machine. I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of? has it right on, we will never see another hitter like Bonds.








Ummm, clearly you are either stoned or know nothing about baseball prior to 1990. :D

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