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Air Conditioning question

Dr. Sacrebleu

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I have a wall-thru AC unit in my bedroom.

It is a Friedrich A3d16e2ag model. 16000 BTUs.

Now it seems to me that the time has come to change it. It doesn't cool as well as it used to, and I have had it serviced once (albeit by totally incompetent people) to no avail. Here is what I am having problems understanding: my wall-thru AC is in fact installed in my window in a standard Fedder's sleeve (16 3/4 x 27in) why can't I buy a window AC system with a slide out chassis and slide it in the sleeve? (window ACs are waaaay cheaper).

Or am I just obligated to buy anoth wallthrough unit?


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I have a wall-thru AC unit in my bedroom.

It is a Friedrich A3d16e2ag model. 16000 BTUs.

Now it seems to me that the time has come to change it. It doesn't cool as well as it used to, and I have had it serviced once (albeit by totally incompetent people) to no avail. Here is what I am having problems understanding: my wall-thru AC is in fact installed in my window in a standard Fedder's sleeve (16 3/4 x 27in) why can't I buy a window AC system with a slide out chassis and slide it in the sleeve? (window ACs are waaaay cheaper).

Or am I just obligated to buy anoth wallthrough unit?




If it's in the window, just remove the whole AC and sleeve. Install the new window unit. Make sure you add some bracing on the outside of the house if necessary. And the new one will probably be 110v versus 220, so make sure you don't plug it into the old plug.

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If it's in the window, just remove the whole AC and sleeve. Install the new window unit. Make sure you add some bracing on the outside of the house if necessary. And the new one will probably be 110v versus 220, so make sure you don't plug it into the old plug.



+1........ya got a f'n window get a window unit.........if ya wanna use the sleeve get another sleeve unit..... :D just the Captain/OJ talkin......wanna split a Whomper baseball pool DR........ :D

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I needed to replace my wall thru unit in my living room last year. I wondered the same thing. I was told by several people it's not a good idea. Assuming you're going to leave the sleeve in and just exchange the unit, most window units vent out the side. Thus I was told I should stay with a wall unit as it vents out the back.

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I guess if that's the case the big question is how much is my time worth?

window AC ~300$

wall thru unit ~700$


The amount of time I would have to spend doing the conversion (I live on the third floor of my building) seems a little dauting.


Oh and of course looking like a fool leaning out my window/ dropping a wrench on the passer by/ ordering the wrong unit etc..

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