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TO and Cadillac for LT


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scoring? ppr? the rest of your team?


i would say yes not knowing anything else. i really like caddy and TO should have a solid year

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i think for this year it is probably a safe trade, but what about after TO implodes again if this is not a redraft. then you have caddy and no TO. just something to think about.


is TO no longer his own worst enemy? :D



probably not, but the upside of the deal, again not seeing the complete situation, is pretty strong.

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as others have said, you did not give enough info for us to really have a definitive opinion.


that said, you should probably do the deal ... but if it goes bad, its not cause our advice was faulty but because you asked us for advice w/o telling us the full story.



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as others have said, you did not give enough info for us to really have a definitive opinion.


that said, you should probably do the deal ... but if it goes bad, its not cause our advice was faulty but because you asked us for advice w/o telling us the full story.






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I'm not big on trades. I just made my 4th ever about two weeks ago. You really haven't given us enough information to answer this. Normally. For me this is so easy I can actually answer without scoring information, keeper or re-draft, roster requirements - any of that.


I love LT. You do this trade in a re-draft. You do this trade even faster in a keeper. Under all scoring systems you do this trade. Under all roster requirements you do this trade. This time a year ago I was completely underwhelmed by Carnell. I hated TO.


I watched Williams play last year. A lot. He's got everything. There is only 1 reason I can think of that he will not be universally considered the best RB in football within the the next two seasons and that word starts with the letter i. In every league I'm in I want him, period.


TO's a Cowboy so I live him now. I say a lot of crazy $hit around here about my beloved Cowboys, mostly with a grain of salt. I'm serious when I say that if TO is healthy all season he will be the #1 fantasy WR at the end of the season. I know the Cowboys are a run first offense. I know Bledsoe has plenty of targets. I know that the offensive line has tons of questions. And when the 2006 season is over, TO will be the #1 WR to have taken this summer.


It is all set-up her for him here. He has a chance to show everybody that it wasn't all him, that he's still the best WR in the game. And for the most part, this city sure is ready to get on board. Physically he looks great, he's well dressed, he's got a great smile, he doesn't sweat in 100 degree heat when he's wearing a suit. And he talks $hit. We expect no less from our WRs down here. I believe.


I love everything about this trade for you.


Good luck.

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I was offered TO and Cadilac Williams for LT. Should I take the trade?



Considering TO got 2 or 3 yrs in him. and Cadi is a young gun. I accept. LT mileage will start to catch up with him. U really started to see it the past two yrs.

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