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israeli military service


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would the mandatory military service that the israelis have to complete ever fly here in the states??


Sure, but there'd be so many exemptions for the scions of the wealthy it wouldn't teach them anything.

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would the mandatory military service that the israelis have to complete ever fly here in the states??




It MIGHT have before the draft was abolished in the 70s. Now, fugedaboutit....


Personally, I think it's a great idea. NO exemptions.

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what would guys like GW and DICK do????? :D


Serve their time, like they were supposed to.


Not that it matters anymore - W has managed to impugn the records of geniune war heroes Kerry and McCain and not-a-combatant-but-was-actually-IN-Vietnam Gore.


It amazes me that two de facto draft dodgers manage to get some sort of hardline military cred over those other guys. Not to mention the personalities of Frat Boy and Grumpy Old Man are hardly compelling. On some days I think Rove might be the smartest man alive.

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im not sure id want to work next to someone that didnt want to be there...we have enough people that volunteer for service anyway. we really dont need conscripts.


and its not just the israelis, the majority of countries around the world have mandatory military or civil service of some kind

Edited by Robash
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geniune war heroes Kerry and McCain and not-a-combatant-but-was-actually-IN-Vietnam Gore.



Do we need to re-visit Gore's war record and how he got his cushy little job as "war photographer", cause I dont think you want to go there again...

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Do we need to re-visit Gore's war record and how he got his cushy little job as "war photographer", cause I dont think you want to go there again...



He applied for "suspended drunken no-show National Guardsman in Alabama", but that position was already filled. Dang!

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Being commander in chief is serving in the military. :D



i do think there needs to be a change in the presidential requirements.....


you should have atleast served in the military and maybe go so far as having been in combat. if youre going to send people into combat, you should atleast know what its like....imho


little off topic, please continue.

Edited by dmarc117
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i do think there needs to be a change in the presidential requirements.....


you should have atleast served in the military and maybe go so far as having been in combat. if youre going to send people into combat, you should atleast know what its like....imho


little off topic, please continue.



I agree.


I think that you should have served in the armed forces to be eligible to be President, VP and down the line of succession to about the 5th in line (Paulson). If you're Seventh Day Adventist or some kind of legitimate conscientious objector, you should be required to have served in the Peace Corps or some such do-gooder, gummint organization.


I disagree with the combat requirement. Given the small scale engagements we had from Vietnam to Iraq II, this is not reasonable.

Edited by MojoMan
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I agree.


I think that you should have served in the armed forces to be eligible to be President, VP and down the line of succession to about the 5th in line (Paulson). If you're Seventh Day Adventist or some kind of legitimate conscious objector, you should be required to have served in the Peace Corps or some such do-gooder, gummint organization.


I disagree with the combat requirement. Given the small scale engagements we had from Vietnam to Iraq II, this is not reasonable.




i was thinkin about that too....cant we just send them out in a field and fire some tracers over their heads. :D

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I'd say that unless you've served you should not be able to attend college. That would serve two useful purposes. One more people would serve. Two, there'd be enough chicken$hit Americans picking watermelons there'd be nothing left for illegal Mexicans to do.

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I am all in favor of a year of service after high school but dont think it needs to be limited to the military. Teaching, fighting fires and crime, etc., should all be part of the program.



interesting...kinda like a service corps of some sort. maybe correlate the service to danger level. military, u serve less time whereas teaching u would serve more.

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Do we need to re-visit Gore's war record and how he got his cushy little job as "war photographer", cause I dont think you want to go there again...


Hey, I wasn't calling him a war hero; just he was actually overseas in one of the 5 branches of the actual military.


Now Kerry and McCain WERE war heroes.

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Hey, I wasn't calling him a war hero; just he was actually overseas in one of the 5 branches of the actual military.


Now Kerry and McCain WERE war heroes.


And Cleland. Makes no difference to the slime machine. We live in an upside down Rovian world.

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interesting...kinda like a service corps of some sort. maybe correlate the service to danger level. military, u serve less time whereas teaching u would serve more.


that is basically the program they have in Switzerland--service is mandatory, but if you choose non-military service, you have to do more of it

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I am all in favor of a year of service after high school but dont think it needs to be limited to the military. Teaching, fighting fires and crime, etc., should all be part of the program.



Damn, this is a GREAT idea!! Being a prison guard might be an eye-opener, too.

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