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Chipotle radio ad


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Dis ain't nuthin compared to actual problems but I gotta rant (inspired by the angry nerd).


I keep hearing this crappy Chipotle commercial on the radio. You might think of it as the "My puppy" jingle.


Why do I hate it?


First of all, there is the style of the song. It's got this no rhythm white dude "singing" robotically like a synthesized voice for automated banking. He's backed by an acoustic guitar playing 1 or 2 chords. Yawn.


Then there's the content of the song. The basic plot is that the singer's puppy likes Chipotle. Thanks Einstein, I would have never been able to predict that a f()ckin' dog would like people food. Dog's eat their own puke jerkoff. And they like to sniff sh!t too. Are you comparing Chipotle to that?


After hearing this ad for like the 100th time and listening the the stupid lyrics, I wondered if he was actually saying "Mi Papi likes Chipotle." Which makes at least some sense if Chipotle is trying to cater to the ghey demographic. Nah, everyone knows that gheys worry about their weight and nutrition and eat salads and free range chicken, not cheap be@ner food.


What the f()ck is Chipotle thinking? Not only is this one of the worst jingles in the history of American advertising, they are way oversaturating the market. Now, when I hear it, I want to get both the singer and writer of the ad, stuff their mouths with a habanero-filled burrito and duct tape it shut. Then I would get that acoustic guitar and bust it over their heads while stomping them in the balls with my Dr. Martens.

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