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Charity...F charity


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I was also willing to throw in a new printer and a 1 1/2 year old flatscreen monitor.


Now they get nothing. I just gave the stuff to a computer geek friend.


if it was worth so much you shoulda made him give you some $$.


i don't blame united way for not wanting an old computer with no HD. if they were set up with a little computer parts depot and some techies disassembling and reassembling the chit, maybe it would make sense. but then, what's the most they're going to get for the system once they put in a new HD, install the OS, check everything out to make sure it works and then put in on the floor of their store? $150 or so, tops? not even close to being worth it to them. your "charity" would cost them more than the benefit they could expect to get from it. so f'n get over it already and get rid of your trash some other way, or give them something that works and they can put on the floor and sell without forking out a bunch of time and $$ to get it there.

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I stopped giving anything to United Way about 15 years ago when our work basically forced us to give and the guy who ran the "charity" was riding around in chauffered limousines.


F United Way. Many other charities out there that aren't scamming the public.


You too? :D

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