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Why they gotta be hatin ona brother


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Neighbor Publicly Chides Fireworks Show by Jaguars QB


ACKSONVILLE, FL -- On the playing field, tens of thousands of fans scream each time Byron Leftwich hurls a bomb downfield.


But when Leftwich joined his neighbors for their annual 4th of July fireworks celebration, one husband and wife were less than pleased with the aerial bombs exploding overhead.


That couple hired a lawyer to warn Leftwich against using fireworks, then sent a DVD of his 4th of July show with a three page letter of complaint to Jags owner Wayne Weaver, copying the Mayor, the Sheriff and other officials.


"Byron's reckless behavior was not a celebration of our nation's independence; it was a self-indulgent spectacle celebrating one man's arrogance," wrote the neighbor.


"My husband's and my attempt to handle this matter in private have failed. Now, I ask for whatever help you may offer to remedy the situation before it escalates and becomes even more serious."


The Jaguars' Organization would not comment on the letter other than to tell First Coast News they had spoken with Leftwich, who admitted to celebrating the 4th with fireworks with his neighbors.


The couple who wrote the letter and recorded the DVD declined to talk with First Coast News, but several other neighbors rallied in support of Leftwich.


"He's a very, very good neighbor. He's lived here for three years," said Mary Sodano.


"This one neighbor is the only one that complained. All the other neighbors... we all get out, enjoy the fireworks. It's just a wonderful, wonderful evening!"


State Law prohibits lighting any fireworks that fly or explode, and it is clear on the DVD that for the better part of an hour, hundreds of fireworks are exploding overhead.


But most of Leftwich's neighbors said they enjoyed the show. And while the complaint letter alluded to debris left behind, Sodano says the whole mess was cleaned up in a team effort.


"The neighbors all pitched in. All the debris was gone that evening. Byron power-washed the street. There was nothing to complain about."

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I usually spend the 4th up at Lake Texoma where my family is from. We stayed in town this year because of the burn ban. It was way too dry to be shooting the fireworkd we buy. It would have been irresponsible dangerous to have been shooting them off. We put the $600.00 in a coffee can and will be able to buy $1200.00 worth next year if it isn't as dry.

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