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ethics question (related to the Bush veto)


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Suppose that somehow someway scientists were able to figure out how to replace the brain material of a human embryo with the brain material of say a pig, but in such as way as to allow the rest of the body to develop normally. Would it be ethical to raise such "pigmen" for the purpose of harvesting their organs so that "real humans" could lead longer or better lives?

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Suppose that somehow someway scientists were able to figure out how to replace the brain material of a human embryo with the brain material of say a pig, but in such as way as to allow the rest of the body to develop normally. Would it be ethical to raise such "pigmen" for the purpose of harvesting their organs so that "real humans" could lead longer or better lives?





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Suppose that somehow someway scientists were able to figure out how to replace the brain material of a human embryo with the brain material of say a pig, but in such as way as to allow the rest of the body to develop normally. Would it be ethical to raise such "pigmen" for the purpose of harvesting their organs so that "real humans" could lead longer or better lives?


Absolutely out of the question.

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Wouldn't the removal of the original brain matter present an ethical dilema?


It is already legal to torture and murder unborn children so why would simply sucking out their brain matter with a straw be any worse?

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However, there is a very reasonable concern about a slippery slope. Maybe we'll just start producing embryos just for their stem cells. Etc. etc.



That is my major concern with it, at least on a moral level, though morals aside I'd still be against it because I believe in the free market, and reducing, not increasing government spending.

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What I don't understand with all of this is that the embryos are going to be tossed anyway. Where's the ethics there? Should we outlaw artificial incemination (sp?).



I think this is the part that makes the veto laughable and tragic. So instead of being able to allow these fetus' to provide tissue that could lead to regeneration of people's organs, or breakthroughs in treatment of many horrfic diseases, we incinerate them. His entire diatribe on morality goes out the window if you listen to it in the light of the fact they are being destroyed ANYWAY.


But hey, major diseases are God's will anyway, right?

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But hey, major diseases are God's will anyway, right?



Yeah so if you're right with God, then when he gives you a major disease, take it like a man because when you die you're going to heaven. If you're a sinner, then too bad.

Edited by WaterMan
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wiegie, Dr. Mengele. Dr. Megele, wieige.



I think pigmen were actually created by Dr. Moreau...




ETA: Heeyyy that image would make a good avatar :D And pigman would make a good alias, unless it already exists.

Edited by cre8tiff
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wiegie, Dr. Mengele. Dr. Megele, wieige.


well, if the Jews are going to be destroyed anyway, we might as well use them to conduct medical experiments that will help improve and saves lives in the future


(not to mention that it's what Superman would have wanted.)



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Suppose that somehow someway scientists were able to figure out how to replace the brain material of a human embryo with the brain material of say a pig, but in such as way as to allow the rest of the body to develop normally. Would it be ethical to raise such "pigmen" for the purpose of harvesting their organs so that "real humans" could lead longer or better lives?


Sure, why not? We already play God so that is just another step in the evolution of the biologically weakest animal on the planet.





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What if you could just genetically modify some babies to be born with 3 kidneys, 2 livers, 2 hearts, and... I dunno... an extra ear?


Then we could just harvest the organs from them without killing them.




These were exactly my thoughts, but I didn't have the courage to voice them. You stand on the precipice of genius and fear not that next step.

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