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Democrats Now Riding the Jebus Horses too!


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"Faithful Democrats Look To Sway Voters"

Without a doubt, religion plays a major role in elections and in the past, Republicans have used religion to get the vote out. Now some democrats are starting to try to change the face of their party by talking about their faith. One Tennessee senator is leading the charge .


Sometime after the Carter Administration, Christian voters in America switched parties. Jesus may have ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey, but these days at least in politics, Christians put him more squarely on the back of the grand old party elephant.


President Bush has thanked the conservative...Christian voters for putting him in the White House, not once but twice. The word on the streets in America is that for the past quarter of a century, Christians feel there's only one choice to cast a vote based on faith. Nashville voter Sandra Brien said, “When I was younger I could see so much of the Democratic ideas, but they're now being expressed by the Republicans.”


If Tennessee Senator Roy Herron has his way, that will change. Senator Herron is part of a new democratic campaign called FaithfulDemocrats.com that hopes to get the attention ofchurch-going voters that there is another choice. He said, “The truth of the matter is, the church ought to not be a prostitute for one political party. The church ought to be the bride of Christ, that's what scripture teaches. That's what we ought to be about.”


Proving they're not just pandering to these voters is going to be tough. According to a recent survey, Christian voters continue to lose faith in the Democratic Party. In 2005, only 29% of people felt Democrats were friendly to Christians and that numbers shrank to just 26% this year. By comparison, 47% feel Republicans are friendly to Christians, but eventhat fell from last year.


“I think the Democratic Party has a challenge to be more tolerant of those of us who have deep faith. I think there's a skepticism and I think a lot of it is brought on my angry politicians of some who are a lot more busy denouncing their brothers and sisters than they are lifting up the Lord,” said Herron.


The website, FaithfulDemocrats.com , which includes sermons and blogs from other faithful members of the Democratic Party, is a start, but the real test is whether the Democratic Party starts listening to the issues most important toconservative Christians.

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"Faithful Democrats Look To Sway Voters"

Without a doubt, religion plays a major role in elections and in the past, Republicans have used religion to get the vote out. Now some democrats are starting to try to change the face of their party by talking about their faith. One Tennessee senator is leading the charge .


Sometime after the Carter Administration, Christian voters in America switched parties. Jesus may have ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey, but these days at least in politics, Christians put him more squarely on the back of the grand old party elephant.


President Bush has thanked the conservative...Christian voters for putting him in the White House, not once but twice. The word on the streets in America is that for the past quarter of a century, Christians feel there's only one choice to cast a vote based on faith. Nashville voter Sandra Brien said, “When I was younger I could see so much of the Democratic ideas, but they're now being expressed by the Republicans.”


If Tennessee Senator Roy Herron has his way, that will change. Senator Herron is part of a new democratic campaign called FaithfulDemocrats.com that hopes to get the attention ofchurch-going voters that there is another choice. He said, “The truth of the matter is, the church ought to not be a prostitute for one political party. The church ought to be the bride of Christ, that's what scripture teaches. That's what we ought to be about.”


Proving they're not just pandering to these voters is going to be tough. According to a recent survey, Christian voters continue to lose faith in the Democratic Party. In 2005, only 29% of people felt Democrats were friendly to Christians and that numbers shrank to just 26% this year. By comparison, 47% feel Republicans are friendly to Christians, but eventhat fell from last year.


“I think the Democratic Party has a challenge to be more tolerant of those of us who have deep faith. I think there's a skepticism and I think a lot of it is brought on my angry politicians of some who are a lot more busy denouncing their brothers and sisters than they are lifting up the Lord,” said Herron.


The website, FaithfulDemocrats.com , which includes sermons and blogs from other faithful members of the Democratic Party, is a start, but the real test is whether the Democratic Party starts listening to the issues most important toconservative Christians.




Edited by SuperBalla
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Faithful Democrats? Are you f'n kidding me? I thought Comrade Clinton put any notion that Democrats were faithful to bed years ago(pardon the pun). And the wierd thing is that Dems have welcomed every freakish group who would vote for them under their umbrella. With one notable exception: CHRISTIANS! They have castigated christians and have tried to make being one not politically correct. So, the notion that the Dems now are christian or share christian values is laughable. But I am not surprised that these hypocrites are now trying this tactic since none of their other lies have worked...

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Faithful Democrats? Are you f'n kidding me? I thought Comrade Clinton put any notion that Democrats were faithful to bed years ago(pardon the pun). And the wierd thing is that Dems have welcomed every freakish group who would vote for them under their umbrella. With one notable exception: CHRISTIANS! They have castigated christians and have tried to make being one not politically correct. So, the notion that the Dems now are christian or share christian values is laughable. But I am not surprised that these hypocrites are now trying this tactic since none of their other lies have worked...



Think about it...they are the media/T.V. and it ain't "cool" to have morals. It is better to fek yer neighbor than to ReSpeKt them. Good for the DemonKraps that want to find Christ...amen.

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:D I don't see how this could possibly even work. Most Democrats are pro-choice and most Chritians are pro-life. If the good senator is really a Christian and a pro-lifer, he alienates the majority of his party from the get go. I'd love to see a politician bs his way out of that one.

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:D I don't see how this could possibly even work. Most Democrats are pro-choice and most Chritians are pro-life. If the good senator is really a Christian and a pro-lifer, he alienates the majority of his party from the get go. I'd love to see a politician TRY TO bs his way out of that one.




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No. A mongoloid is not the equivalent of a hyena. A mongoloid is far worse. And yer one. Who drools.


And I am a jolly eunuch. :D



Being a eunuch hyena is not better than being a mongloid. I can still beat gutz like I beat my head against the short bus window, Her name is Thelma. :droolingbutpacking:

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LOL. Yes, every Christian is a card carrying Republican. Take a serious look at Jesus and his actions in the scriptures. Now tell me if they are more in line with conservative or liberal philosophy.


Yes, I'll give you abortion. But not everyone that calls themselves a Democrat or Liberal is pro-choice.

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The latest poll numbers came in and indicated loving Jesus was up 6 points. Of course, the Dems jumped on board.


:D Exactly! They are realizing a bit too late that those "ignorant Christians" actually vote! The people they are in bed with like P Diddy, black Racist groups, NAMBLA, UN, Communists, and terror groups, arent as likely to vote. But the kicker is that not only have the Dem's essentially shunned Christians from their ranks while welcoming every other bizzare fringe group, but they have actually attacked christians and their values at every turn. Being a member of the Democratic Party and being a christian is a mutually exclusive proposition today.

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Democrats will treat Jesus far more accurately. Jesus was for peace, against hypocracy and for the poor, 3 things republicans hate.


Democrats treat christians and those who espouse christian values as ignorant pariahs. There is no disputing that fact....

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