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My other $1,000 entry league draft

Henry Muto

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Your right I did feel like I was treatet like crap from some people on here but I have learned to live with that. I may rub some people the wrong way I guess. When I had first signed up (this is my 1st year here) I had seen a lot of people posting "how is my team" on the advise column so I just did the same. I guess I should not have posted the price of the league but I wanted to say hey this league is my most important of my leagues but some people just don't like that I guess. That's cool I have learned to live with it. The other $2,500 goes to the site that runs the league...a pretty steep tax I would say but that is the cost. In any event even though most of you don't care I may as well tell you what happened to finish off this season long story.

I entered this week with a 22 pt lead on 2nd and 38 pt lead on 3rd needing to be in the top 2 to make the week 15-16 title game. My team scored 145 pts and finished in 1st place for the year. I am in pretty bad shape though entering the title game with Gore getting hurt.


My week 14 line up since people asked was as follows


Cutler, Gore, McClain, Fitzgerald, S-Holmes, Hixon, Tony Gonzalez, Prater, Balt DF and Favre at the flex


The other guy has a pretty stacked team and even though I won the regular season over him by 24 pts that only gives me a 1.75 pt lead starting in the playoffs. I am pretty sure I am going to lose so I am just going to be happy with the $3,500 and not expect to win the $6,000 for 1st.


Last year I also took 2nd place and won $3,500 but that one hurt quite a bit since I lost the title game 415.15 to 414.7 losing by .45 pts.


Anyway good luck to all of you in the playoffs and if you thought I was being arrogent that wasn't really what I was trying to do.


Here is the link for those who don't think this is a real online league. My team is California. The site is www.fantasyjungle.com


http://leagues.fantasyjungle.com/football/...hrfootball3+All - this is the link to my league live scoring page.

Edited by Henry Muto
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Your right I did feel like I was treatet like crap from some people on here but I have learned to live with that. I may rub some people the wrong way I guess. When I had first signed up (this is my 1st year here) I had seen a lot of people posting "how is my team" on the advise column so I just did the same. I guess I should not have posted the price of the league but I wanted to say hey this league is my most important of my leagues but some people just don't like that I guess. That's cool I have learned to live with it. The other $2,500 goes to the site that runs the league...a pretty steep tax I would say but that is the cost. In any event even though most of you don't care I may as well tell you what happened to finish off this season long story.

I entered this week with a 22 pt lead on 2nd and 38 pt lead on 3rd needing to be in the top 2 to make the week 15-16 title game. My team scored 145 pts and finished in 1st place for the year. I am in pretty bad shape though entering the title game with Gore getting hurt.


My week 14 line up since people asked was as follows


Cutler, Gore, McClain, Fitzgerald, S-Holmes, Hixon, Tony Gonzalez, Prater, Balt DF and Favre at the flex


The other guy has a pretty stacked team and even though I won the regular season over him by 24 pts that only gives me a 1.75 pt lead starting in the playoffs. I am pretty sure I am going to lose so I am just going to be happy with the $3,500 and not expect to win the $6,000 for 1st.


Last year I also took 2nd place and won $3,500 but that one hurt quite a bit since I lost the title game 415.15 to 414.7 losing by .45 pts.


Anyway good luck to all of you in the playoffs and if you thought I was being arrogent that wasn't really what I was trying to do.


Here is the link for those who don't think this is a real online league. My team is California. The site is www.fantasyjungle.com


http://leagues.fantasyjungle.com/football/...hrfootball3+All - this is the link to my league live scoring page.


Its all part of being a newb. Hell I got razzed pretty good when I got here as well. It's all good....these guys know how to smack talk pretty good and thats what has kept me here and will keep me here for a very long time. Look at it this way...when people say ".....Henry Muto....", thats a compliment, regardless of the context. Keep your chin up son.

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i wasn't one of the folks that piled on at the beginning, but just caught this thread now and i'll say 2 things. first, you must have done an amazing job in waivers and trades this year because that team is full of under-performing guys this year. so i will give you credit for obviously knowing what you are doing. the second thing is that the point i think most were trying to make is that posting that it's a 1000 dollar league is completely irrelevant and comes off completely arrogant. frankly, there are a million posts on here each year around draft time asking "how'd i do?" or "how do you like my team?", but rarely do people post how much money the league was for. my suggestion would be to be excited about how well you've done in this league and quit coming on here attempting to pick a fight because you feel people treated you poorly 3 months ago. just chill man and enjoy the money you are going to win this season.


+1..well played. We just get excited about ripping people now and again. It's all in good fun.

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I'd be damned if I'd ever pay two and a half people's full entry fee just to have a site run a scoring system, but hey whatever money you feel like burning up is good for you. Maybe you can invest some of your winnings trying to bailout one of the detroit automakers or something while you're at it.

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I guess I forgot to mention I only paid $90 myself for this said league. Last year I won a $90 entry satellite league to this year's entry. I actually paid $630 last year and joined 8 sat leagues (6 for $90 and 2 for $45) I won 4 of those 8 sat leagues. I won 2 of the $90 (winning 2 free $1,000 high roller entries this year) and I won both of the $45 sat's (winning 2 free $500 main event teams)


I would never pay $1,000 out of my own money to enter a fantasy league that has that kind of tax.


My other $1,000 league was a complete bust. Both of my $500 main event leagues made wild card berths and are now competing against 110 other teams trying to win $50,000. So for $630 I have won $3,500 and still could win more.


This site really makes me wonder because everyone is so quick to jump all over people and really don't even understand the situation. That's ok though it's all good. Have a nice night!

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Next season pay me $500.00 to be your fantasy football consultant. My first recommendation: stop paying $1,000.00 to draft crappy teams.


Look at that. I just saved you $500.00 and a bad draft.



:wacko: Thats great

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I guess I forgot to mention I only paid $90 myself for this said league. Last year I won a $90 entry satellite league to this year's entry. I actually paid $630 last year and joined 8 sat leagues (6 for $90 and 2 for $45) I won 4 of those 8 sat leagues. I won 2 of the $90 (winning 2 free $1,000 high roller entries this year) and I won both of the $45 sat's (winning 2 free $500 main event teams)


I would never pay $1,000 out of my own money to enter a fantasy league that has that kind of tax.


My other $1,000 league was a complete bust. Both of my $500 main event leagues made wild card berths and are now competing against 110 other teams trying to win $50,000. So for $630 I have won $3,500 and still could win more.


This site really makes me wonder because everyone is so quick to jump all over people and really don't even understand the situation. That's ok though it's all good. Have a nice night!





Now that is rich. You title your post "my other $1000 entry" league clearly wanting everybody to believe you spent $1000 to get into this league. And now you are saying you spent only $90.




I'm still sensing untruths.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"This site really makes me wonder because everyone is so quick to jump all over people and really don't even understand the situation. That's ok though it's all good. Have a nice night!"


We post our thoughts based on the information given to us. It is not our fault that you waited 4 months to tell us the truth about your pay league.


You are my hero! I must draw you! I must meet you!


If I met you in real life...I would buy you drinks all night long. Not because I am typically that generous to strangers (or trying to pick you up (had to mention just in case the homophobic crowd jumped in =) )), but only because I would want to keep you around long enough to have a field day of jokes and chicanery with you in front of my friends. The entertainment value would exceed your bar tab!

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I guess I forgot to mention I only paid $90 myself for this said league. Last year I won a $90 entry satellite league to this year's entry. I actually paid $630 last year and joined 8 sat leagues (6 for $90 and 2 for $45) I won 4 of those 8 sat leagues. I won 2 of the $90 (winning 2 free $1,000 high roller entries this year) and I won both of the $45 sat's (winning 2 free $500 main event teams)


I would never pay $1,000 out of my own money to enter a fantasy league that has that kind of tax.


My other $1,000 league was a complete bust. Both of my $500 main event leagues made wild card berths and are now competing against 110 other teams trying to win $50,000. So for $630 I have won $3,500 and still could win more.


This site really makes me wonder because everyone is so quick to jump all over people and really don't even understand the situation. That's ok though it's all good. Have a nice night!

For some reason...I lost it after reading your explanation Muto.

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