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Conflicting Advice


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I noticed this week that one writer said to bench Isaac Bruce and another said he would be the 15th highest scoring WR. I have found this to be the case quite often in this, my first year as a Huddle subscriber. I realize that there are different writers with different opinions, but it really lessens the impact of a site when both are equal, yet conflicting predicitions. Hell, *I* could start a website and post conflicting opinions and one of them would always be right. Does that make me some kind of expert?

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The site is simply a tool provided for you to make informed decisions. You can go to multiple sites and get multiple opinions. As on this forum, folks give advice based on their opinions. No one is an expert in FF because no one is a fortune teller. You look at the matchups, how the players is playing, streaks, etc. and then make a decision based on your information.


As for Bruce, he's been nothing more than a 3rd WR and sometimes a 2nd this whole year. He's averaging 7.62 points per game in FF based on a 1/10, 6 for TD scoring model. Stats like that aren't going to carry your team so you really shouldn't be placing your playoff hopes on a player like that, if that's indeed what happened.

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The site is simply a tool provided for you to make informed decisions. You can go to multiple sites and get multiple opinions. As on this forum, folks give advice based on their opinions. No one is an expert in FF because no one is a fortune teller. You look at the matchups, how the players is playing, streaks, etc. and then make a decision based on your information.


As for Bruce, he's been nothing more than a 3rd WR and sometimes a 2nd this whole year. He's averaging 7.62 points per game in FF based on a 1/10, 6 for TD scoring model. Stats like that aren't going to carry your team so you really shouldn't be placing your playoff hopes on a player like that, if that's indeed what happened.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, rew70. My question was not so much in relation to Isaac Bruce, per se, but rather a pattern (at least that I have noticed) of Huddle writiers posting conflicting advice. Bruce was just the latest in that line. Certainly, I would expect varying degrees of opinions but this one (and others) seemed to vary greatly--from "bench him" to "he's a #1 receiver in a 15-team league".


Even the author of the projections commentary (assuming the same person makes the projection) seemed a bit schitzophrenic when he wrote "Bruce has been consistent with at least 60 yards in recent games and his six touchdowns leads the team. But he rarely has more than those 60 yards and has been worse in road games anyway." As the 49ers were playing on the road, I would have expected the projected stats to be less than 60 yards and no TD. Yet, the projection was for 60 yds and a TD. Is that splitting hairs? Perhaps. But it's almost as if his own logic did not go into his projection. Again, I'm not trying to parse this one particular case--there have been numerous issues like this throughout the season.


And, I take exception with your assertion that "no one is an expert in FF". The Huddle certainly positions themselves as experts in the FF industry. That is why they charge us (and we pay for) the information they disseminate. I'm not asking for all of the writers here to agree. But, for a site to post opposing information smells a lot like an effort to create a guaranteed way to say "we told you so".

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I agree with ccraig 100%. Unfortunately all sites do it. The Huddle is a great place to bounce ideas and read about FF. They do a decent job. As for projections and rankings...they are all mostly hit or miss. This should be motivation for you to stop wasting your money on "expert" advice and just do it the old fashion way...study. Read articles, watch games, compare writers thoughts, watch the weather, listen to interviews with players, etc. It is a lost art actually enjoying the strategies of FF and not just trying to buy a championship.

Edited by CarbonThief
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I noticed this week that one writer said to bench Isaac Bruce and another said he would be the 15th highest scoring WR. I have found this to be the case quite often in this, my first year as a Huddle subscriber. I realize that there are different writers with different opinions, but it really lessens the impact of a site when both are equal, yet conflicting predicitions. Hell, *I* could start a website and post conflicting opinions and one of them would always be right. Does that make me some kind of expert?


Forums are only a medium to get peoples opinions and perspectives on how a player might perform to which you hope they give proper reasoning to why they are choosing that player over another. WashD is one of the best on this forum to giving advice and the reasons for the advice. It's is up to you to determine who has the most sound reasoning for choosing one player over another.


If we all agreed, the forums would be kind of mute and mundane. Some people chose a player based upon a gut feeling while others spend hours researching each player, going back 1, 2 and sometimes 3 years to understand their matchups.


If you look at multiple fantasy sites, no one has the same predictions of every player. Some might put Addia in the top 5 for RB's that week while another might have Addia in the bottom 20.


Personally, I prefer a debate on my threads with opposing opinions of how players might perform. Using that, I can make an informed decision.


Hope this helps!



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Thanks, BearBroncos. Just to be clear, I was not talking about conflicting advice on the Forums. Certainly, that is to be expected (and encouraged!). I was referring to the columns/projections posted on the site.


Ah, understood.


Have to keep in mind that there are multiple people who update sections of the site. They also have their own perspectives who will do better. If I recall correctly, they have the authers name and the bottom of each selection. They have about 20 different predictions sheets and not one can fill them alone with only seven days.

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply, rew70. My question was not so much in relation to Isaac Bruce, per se, but rather a pattern (at least that I have noticed) of Huddle writiers posting conflicting advice. Bruce was just the latest in that line. Certainly, I would expect varying degrees of opinions but this one (and others) seemed to vary greatly--from "bench him" to "he's a #1 receiver in a 15-team league".


Even the author of the projections commentary (assuming the same person makes the projection) seemed a bit schitzophrenic when he wrote "Bruce has been consistent with at least 60 yards in recent games and his six touchdowns leads the team. But he rarely has more than those 60 yards and has been worse in road games anyway." As the 49ers were playing on the road, I would have expected the projected stats to be less than 60 yards and no TD. Yet, the projection was for 60 yds and a TD. Is that splitting hairs? Perhaps. But it's almost as if his own logic did not go into his projection. Again, I'm not trying to parse this one particular case--there have been numerous issues like this throughout the season.


And, I take exception with your assertion that "no one is an expert in FF". The Huddle certainly positions themselves as experts in the FF industry. That is why they charge us (and we pay for) the information they disseminate. I'm not asking for all of the writers here to agree. But, for a site to post opposing information smells a lot like an effort to create a guaranteed way to say "we told you so".



I can empathize with your concern. I guess the short answer is that the start/bench list is written by one guy and the projections by another as Bronco pointed out. But I see the frustration.

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The part I find frustrating is people who are in ff but want someone else to do their prognosticating for them. Sites like the huddle are not intended to tell you specifically which player on your team to start each week. It is intended as a place where you can maybe gain a little insight in order to help you make a more informed decision.


The fact that more than 1 person does the projecting on the huddle is a good thing, it offers mulitple opinions to use as a tool for making a decision. For instance, if the start/bench list AND the player projections both have good things to say about a player then that is a strong vote of confidence, if both say bad things about a player then stay away, if opinions are split on a given player then obviously that player would probably be a borderline start.


The point is you should gather the information and then use it to form your own opinion. It sounds like you are looking for a site that you can log into that will simply tell you who to start, why even play ff if you aren't going to make your own decisions.


btw, if and when someone can start making definitive predictions on a players stats you let me know because that person is gonna be dirty rich.

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It sounds like you are looking for a site that you can log into that will simply tell you who to start, why even play ff if you aren't going to make your own decisions.
That's not at all what I'm looking for. What I *am* looking for is some reasoning behind the contradicting information. When I read the differing reports, it appears as though the writers aren't even looking at what the others are saying. What would be helpful is something like "I know that we're projecting XX for so-and-so this week, but here is why I think that is high/low." I don't think that's too much to ask for.
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