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Trade J. Stewart for E. Royal


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I've been discussing the relative worth of the two players mentioned in the topic title with another team owner. I own Royal and he owns Stewart. I contend that Royal is worth more than Stewart due to the following factors: Royal managed to score 238 points this season in his rookie year as a WR2 behind Marshall and the fact that Jay Cutler is throwing him the ball, that alone is worth something! Now Jonathan Stewart is in a time share with Williams and he only managed to put up 160 points this season. Assuming that even if Stewart gets a better time split next year I don't see him eclipsing 238 points. I DO believe that Royal will continue to improve with regard to his running of routes and Marshall will continue to be double teamed taking pressure off of Royal. So I don't see a straight up trade for these two players making sense for me, I would have to have something to sweeten the pot so to speak. What I want to know from you guys is this:


Fair trade

Stewart owner needs more

Royal owner needs more


Thanks for your input!

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If the trade was to take place today, I would say it is fairly even. Long term the Stewart owner should be getting more than just Royal. Even though DeAngelo had a great year, I think Stewart will be more involved sooner rather than later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they're even enough that it depends on which team has what and needs what to determine how the deal unfolds. Is the Stewart owner desperate for WR but staaaacked at RB, while vice/versa for the other? With Deangelo thriving, JStew remains poised to be under utilized -- so it evens it out.

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