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need some trade help

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okay, i play in a salary cap keeper league. we can keep 3 players from different positions.


I'm keeping Turner at RB (10$) and Boldin at WR (11$).


I need a QB...


I have Deangelo Williams (10$) but can't keep him cause I'm already keeping turner.


Someone offered me Peyton Manning at 25$ for Williams at 10$


Each team can spend up to 150$.


Should I make the trade?

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I don't play in a salary league, but you can break the trade down to two steps:


1. Someone wants to trade you a player that you need for a player that you cannot keep? Answer seems pretty straight forward there.


2. Is Peyton worth $25? I don't do salary leagues, but I'm thinking a stud QB for 1/6 of your payroll seems reasonable?



PS: Is this a PPR league? If so, you might want to keep DWill instead of Turner.

+1 on this advice.

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+1 on this advice.



The trade makes absolute sense, I'm just having a tough time getting rid of Deangelo and taking on the extra money that comes with Peyton. It's half a point per reception too....


I guess I'm just looking for reasons not to do the trade. I just need some support lol It's tough getting rid of the guy that basically won me the league last year. But he's splitting carries with Stewart.

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The trade isn't the reason that you're getting rid or DW... you're doing it cuz you chose Turner instead.


As for JStew:

1. he still has an ankle injury as of last report.

2. if he's healthy (otherwise it'll be another RB), it's going to be a share, but consider that will only help keep DW healthy.


See if you can trade Turner for Peyton?


If you MUST keep 3 and you can only keep one at a position, then it's either a QB or TE, yeah? What options do you currently have that's cheaper than Peyton's $25?


We don't have to keep 3 but here's the deal:


If I don't do the trade, I have to drop either D-Will or Turner to the draft cause I can only keep one at each position... AND, all of the good QBs are being kept so I would only have a shot at Manning or Schaub in the draft.


The guy that wants to trade Manning to me has Brady too, hence the reason he's trying to dump Manning. I don't really have many other options other than to try and draft a QB.


And he would have done Manning for Turner, but from what I've heard, Turner is by far the better option than D-Will.

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umm, yeah, got that and I think it's a good idea.



I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on Turner.



You think it's a good idea to do the trade or take my chances in the draft?


I've just been reading stuff on ESPN basically about Turner. I think he's less of a risk than D-Will.



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Knowing your league mates is a huge factor. If you believe that you can get Manning for $20-25, then the trade doesn't really add value to you.


How deep is your league? What QBs are available? Could you get, say, Garrard and Trent Edwards on the cheap and play matchups?


Are you allowed to include league dollars in a trade? If so, tell the Peyton owner that he needs to cough up $5 to make it worth your while?



Yes I could get those QBs, but do they really compare to Peyton Manning? No we can't include money in a trade.


These QBs will be gone come draft time -

Cutler, Brees, Rivers, Romo, McNabb, Brady, Cassell, Rodgers, Ryan.


Peyton will be in the draft, but I'll still have to pay the same amount of money most likely as I would be paying in the trade.


However, money won't be too big a factor because I'm keeping Turner for only 10 bucks when he's worth almost 30. And I have Boldin for 10 bucks.

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I wouldn't do the trade, for either RB, and here's why.


You have a shot at getting Manning for the same price, with plenty of alternatives such as Warner, Palmer, Schaub, Hasslebeck (he's recovered from the back issues), of doing the QB matchup on the cheap as stated above.

But the biggest reason I don't do this trade is because the benefit to the other team far outweighs the benefit to you. If you drop one of those RBs into the draft, odds are they will go for $25-$40, eating up cap space for another team. If you let the Brady owner get a stud RB for only $10 without having a similar benefit for your team, it's a bad idea.


ETA: Opie has the right idea in his final note, if you cna trade DWill (or Turner) for a top TE on the cheap, or even one the QBs above on the cheap ($5-10) then I'd make that trade. But not for Manning at the going rate.

Edited by DO Jaded
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That's a much better deal. I hope you're able to get it done.


Me too. Still awaiting reply from the guy...


What do you guys think Schaub will do this year? I might go for him in the draft with maybe Flacco/Palmer to back up...


Also, would D-Will for Antonio Gates be a good trade? Cause I know I could get that for sure.

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Me too. Still awaiting reply from the guy...


What do you guys think Schaub will do this year? I might go for him in the draft with maybe Flacco/Palmer to back up...


Also, would D-Will for Antonio Gates be a good trade? Cause I know I could get that for sure.


I think Schaub will do well this year, if he stays healthy. I would go for Palmer over Flacco (personal preference).

Trading for Gates depends on the pricetag. Same as Gonzo :D, or closer to Peyton :wacko:.

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What do ya'll think of Deangelo Williams for Antonio Gates? Its a done deal if I want it. And it's not like I'd be giving him a great team like in the Manning deal cause the rest of his team really sucks. Haven't heard back from the Gonzo guy yet.

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