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Fake or Real?


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I'm sorry but the smell of pine cones, wrapping the damn thing in a sheet so you don't have so much to vaccuum, worrying about the electrical cords being too close to start a fire, watering the damn thing, finding a water base big enough to fit the base of the damned thing, and least but not least, fitting the mother fracker on your hood is just too much to give away to some plastic piece of crap. Just my :wacko:

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I'm sorry but the smell of pine cones, wrapping the damn thing in a sheet so you don't have so much to vaccuum, worrying about the electrical cords being too close to start a fire, watering the damn thing, finding a water base big enough to fit the base of the damned thing, and least but not least, fitting the mother fracker on your hood is just too much to give away to some plastic piece of crap. Just my :wacko:


Shouldnt you be reduding forest fires o Claifornia wildfire resident? :D

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I had to be convinced to go fake. Even with all the hassle, I just love the smell of the real tree. I'll probably go by Home Depot and buy a few sprigs to put in a basket in the room where we have ole fakey.


We did get a hell of a deal on the tree we got. The thing is so bright you can see it from San Antonio.

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I am a died in the wool traditionalist. My parents had a fake tree every year when I was growing up. I hated it. It was always up to me to put it together. Now I insist on a real tree or none at all. In fact, none at all would be preferable except that Ms Cid has a penchant for decorating the house for even the smallest occasion. I've been able to keep the decoration to the inside of the house so far but that is a battle looming, I can tell.

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We don't get a tree every year, but it's always real. I'm bummed because we actually bought one from a lot the last few times rather than going to cut our own. Thing is, first year we were out here, we went to a local farm and they wouldn't allow you to cut it yourself. You can go out a pick one out but the dude has to cut it for you. Sort of a bummer because, since I was a kid, we'd always go cut our own down. Sort of tradition.


"I'll let you pose next to the tree with the saw for a photo."


"Um, thanks but no thanks. Just cut the thing down."

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Once the kids got out, we went fake and haven't looked back. It is sooooooo much better than real.


I remember taking my last real tree to the dump and watching it fly out the back of the pick-up truck. :wacko: What a mess dealing with a real tree was. I don't look back on it for a minute anymore. We put up two fake ones. One small 7 footer in the dining room and a monster 12 footer in the upstairs family room. The tree upstairs is f'n awesome. :D

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