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Keeper Question Jones, Evans, Hopkins, Lewis


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3 Year Keeper

1pt per 20yds rec.rush....6pt per TD no ppr

Can Keep 3 players but lose pick..I have pick 10 in snake draft, start 3WRs and 2RBs..

i have 4 players worth keeping..

3rd year with Julio Jones RD 1 pick

3rd year with Mike Evans RD 2 Pick

2nd year with Deandre Hopkins RD 3 pick

2nd year with Dion Lewis RD 12 Pick


I know Hopkins is a no brainer for a 3rd round.. Any Advice on the other 2? 



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1 hour ago, Def. said:

Hopkins for sure, I'd also keep Lewis in the 12th.  Good value there and could turn out to be a strong flex play.


Lewis loses a lot of value with no PPR, but at the cost of a 12th I agree it's a low risk pick. If it was PPR it's almost a no brain gamble.


Jones and Evans I toss back at the cost (actually, I'd look to see if you could find someone that would want to keep them and trade them for either a more attractive keeper option or some pick improvements, assuming you can trade before declaring*). With no PPR, I'd rather keep the flexibility of having my top 2 picks available to me.


Hopkins is a no brainer for a 3rd.


I could go either way on Lewis, but as it doesn't really cost you anything, I think it is worth it to go ahead and lock him up for the 12th.



* For example, let's say the guy with the #3 overall pick would want to keep Jones (or Evans). You could basically offer him Jones(or Evans) and your first round pick for his first round pick. You now have the #3 pick at the cost of a player you weren't going to keep anyway. All sorts of moves you could do here ie Jones and your 7th for a 5th, etc. - anything you can get is essentially a free upgrade as you are using a player you aren't keeping anyway to improve.

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