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Bell Trade Advice


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I have Conner, looking to acquire Bell from the current owner who is 0-1 and panicking about Bell possibly sitting all 10 weeks.


League is a 12 team 0.5 PPR, 3 player keeper league where keepers can be held at one round higher than they were drafted the first year then 1/2 that value each year after. Player drafted in the first round cannot be kept.


The trade:

I get: Bell, Watkins, his 11th round pick

He gets: Thielen, Sony Michel, my 3rd round pick


My team: Cousins, D. Thomas, Hogan, Thielen, Benjamin, A. Miller, McCaffrey, Fournette, Conner, Yeldon, White, Jone, Michel, Ertz

His team: Garoppolo, Fitz, Agholor, Woods, Crabtree, Ginn, Watkins, Marshall, Bell, McCoy, Lewis, Crowell, Gronk


Must start: 1 QB, 3 WR, 2 RB, 1 FLEX, 1 TE


Sony could be kept at a 5th round cost next year and if he turns into the Pats workhorse, could be good value. Bell cannot be kept next year.


Thoughts? I feel the trade takes away a lot from my already thin WR's and I probably have enough depth to make playoffs but having Bell in the playoffs would be nice!


Suggestions on counters?

Edited by Ruby22
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" I get: Bell, Watkins, his 11th round pick "

So essentially, just Bell for this season.


" He gets: Thielen, Sony Michel, my 3rd round pick "

A WR1, unknown RB in a good team, and your 3rd-rnd


Well, if you know that Bell will report next week then it might be ok but it seems an awfully expensive gamble.


Why don't you offer up Conner for Gronk? Gronk would be nice to have for the playoffs too.




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I wouldn't do it.  If Bell sits out till week 10, he's not guaranteed to get his job back.  He's not gonna be in Pittsburgh next season (reports are that the Colts are the frontrunners) and he won't be the fantasy stud he once was.  You're giving up an unknown RB on a fantastic team, a low end WR1, and a 3rd round pick for a few has-beens.  I'd have already passed or turned that one down.  No way would I even consider that trade.  

Edited by Shorttynaz
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3 minutes ago, JumpingJehosaphat said:

Why don't you offer up Conner for Gronk? Gronk would be nice to have for the playoffs too.




Was thinking about it but Gronk's injury history scares me. Also Conner will cost me a 12th rounder next year and I think Bell walks in FA so that'd give me the starting RB for Pitt for real cheap.

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2 minutes ago, Ruby22 said:

What would be a trade you'd be willing to make in this situation to get Bell?

In a dynasty league (never played in one for what it's worth) I would not want Bell if he's going to cost me a high round pick to get him.  He will never be the fantasy player he once was.  He'll be good, but not great.  If I could get Bell on the cheap (and I mean cheap) for this year alone, I'd probably take a shot.  But giving up a WR1, a young RB on a great team and a 3rd round pick - no, I wouldn't even consider that offer to get Bell.

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