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Trade deadline

Henry Muto

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Last year some people complained between my 5 leagues that we should move the trade deadline back a week because 6 teams play on Thanksgiving and once you start a guy you can't trade them so it makes it harder to trade.

I forgot about this.

Right now we are slated for trade deadline to end - November 26th – Trade deadline is Saturday, Week 12 @ 11:59 PM EDT.

I am going to post a vote in all 5 leagues and will add them up if we get 3/4 vote (for the people who actually vote if you don't vote you won't count) I will change the deadline to the following week 13, December 3rd at 11:59 PM ET.

If we don't get at least 75% yes votes it will stay at week 12 and we can vote on it again next offseason.

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