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I agree. As much as I've never been high on Julius Jones, he is the #1, whereas LT's injuries might deem him little more than a RBBC or goal-line back. He might get you some TD's and short yards, but he'd be a huge risk to do much more than that.


Rodgers should be fine. Warner is an upgrade, but has injury risk, and not worth trading away much more than Rodgers for. Pack plays MIN, CHI twice, along with some other tough rush D's, so I'd guess he's gonna be throwing a bunch this season.


But if you have good RBs above Julius Jones and QB is literally your only position of need, then it might make sense. Otherwise, you are making some guy's day for giving him a starter for LT right now, and probably downgrading your positions around QB. At the very least, you run a big risk by relying on LT to perform as a starter.

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MJD is my #1 RB..


With him taking the full workload, this is even more of a reason to have a reliable backup behind him. LT is not reliable at this point. You could run a strong risk of having them both inactive at some point in the season.


I had tried to plan for this risk by getting lots of RB help behind him, but had to trade some depth to land Harvin. I certainly would not pick up another injury risk behind him, as they are asking alot out of the Human Bowling Ball this year.

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Rodgers was.. 2nd most productive in fantasy behind brees last year?


in 4pts/td and 25 yd/ 1 pt. league.. brees had 319..... rodgers had 303.. cutler had 295..

I don't see why you would have traded for old warner in a heart beat. Maybe after some extreme consideration and pursuasion from Warner owner.. but in a heart beat? no way.


so far this season.. in the same scoring format (1 pass td= 4pts.. 25 yd = 1 pt.)... Rodgers is still Third out of Qbs..Brees 66.. Peyton 65.. rodgers 61

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so.. just have rashad jennings as a handcuff.. problem solved


That's my plan, out of desperation if i need to. But who would really want to start Jennings, even if MJD goes down.


Ya that would be a bandaid, but for someone looking to improve their team, I still wouldn't go after LT, or you'll have Rashard Jennings and probably someone even worse starting if both go down.

Edited by delusions of granduer
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MJD getting hurt is not how I plan the rest of my season.. I liked LT alot going in this year for one more big year.. Warner was ranked right behend Rodgers going into the season. So why wouldn't I have done this before the year started? that's all I was saying.


I was just making sure I was right in not doing this.. that's all. thanks

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Gotcha.. not sure why you asked if all you wanted was someone to tell you you're right.. I thought you wanted trade advice.


Nobody plans for injuries, yes, but smart people don't pick up an excess of injury risks. If you don't want to hear about the downside, don't ask. I'm trying to give people advice like I hope they'd do for me in a tough situation.


But I guess I'll stop trying to give advice if people just want others to tell them they're right.

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I didn't need advice on you telling me MJD is a injury risk.. When he's not. And that wasn't the topic anyway..


my thoughts were no.. I was just throwing it out there cuz I was thinking about it.. I can't have my own opinion? I'm sorry I wasn't completely lost that I didn't have my own thoughts on it.. sorry for wasting your time.

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That MJD is an injury risk is not my point. The point is that LT is... I wouldn't have MJD on my team if I didn't have faith, but you gotta plan for the worst man, and LT is no solution, regardless of MJD's status/ability.


Why even worry about your bench then, if you have no plan for when/how you could use a guy. Because you liked the guy at the beginning of the season makes no difference when addressing your team needs.


But if you want to take a narrow view of just which guys you like more, then go ahead and trade for LT and Warner, but there's no doubt that those guys are bigger risks than upgrades...period.


You did make the right move by passing on them, so be happy, and don't ask about trades you don't intend to make, because I'm through wasting my time validating your draftday decisions. Good luck

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