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I Cannot Make This Conversation Up


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I think I found a loophole in the SiriusXM process. When I bought my new car a few months back, I got the trial 6 months. I called to renew for a 3 year plan several weeks ago, only to find out I had to give them my CC #, and I didn't want to do that (about $430 + 6 free months). So I told her I'd just submit through mail. And I did, for a 1 year plan instead. After about 4 weeks, I got another invoice for about $275 with the 3 year plan still noted. Figuring the person who opened my envelope was lazy and didn't change my account. I decide this evening to call.


Me: I'd like to change my plan.


SiriusXM Agent: OK, my name is "Danielle".


It is at this point, we should note English is definitely NOT "Danielle's" primary language.


Me: I sent in payment with one year marked on the form, yet my account shows 3 years. please change my account to one year and zero my balance.


SiriusXM Agent: OK, if you want only one year, then you will be charged $157 (roughly $15 over what I paid of $143 for 12 months and 2 free months)


Me: Either change my account to the $143 for 1 year and zero my balance, let me speak to your supervisor, or cancel my account.


SiriusXM Agent: OK sir, we really want your business, so this one time, I can offer you one year at $85. (presumably only 12 months)


:wacko:Me thinking: Wait... What??!??!


Me: what about the other $58? I paid $143 and you're charging me $85. will I get a check back for $58?


SiriusXM Agent: yes sir


she repeats everything as it played out above, and asked me to say "yes", I agreed.


I call to simply change my account from 3 years to 1 year for the $143 I paid (and had a scanned backup of what I sent in). And I come out with the plan I want, plus a refund of almost $60 (minus 2 free months).


At one point, I expected somebody to jump on the phone line and call me "jerky".

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Got a new car last August. 3 months XM free. They call w/ their deals near the 3 month deadline. Best offer is $6.95/ month. I say make it $5/ month and you got a deal. They decline and I hang up. It's over a year and I still have it. :wacko: Never paid a dime.

I'm sure they'll eventually cut me off, but so far so good.

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