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also known as "detlef's law"


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Not surprising. Been here in CA for two years now and the state still baffles me - it is so screwed up. The most troubling aspect of everything is just how badly the culture degraded the American spirit from so many people. So many expect to be handed free everything and getting access to the government tit is the goal of so many here. It's dificult to shop the first few days of the month because there are so many people in the stores spending their government checks.


I'm very proud of the business I run, but CA has stuck it's big nose into that too. CA disability laws make it ridiculously easy to get out of work - even long term with zero medical evidence that you are actually hurt. My OSHA recordable rate was over 20 - more than 4 times higher than any other facility outside CA. We have been inspected by CAL OSHA and found to be perfectly safe. I've had several people milk the system to the legal day of allowed leave with no medically diagnosed problem. It's maddening. Yes - the individuals own a lot of this responsibility, but the state allows and even encourages this behavior by ever widening programs. In every case, these are local grown folks who think this is normal and OK. The out of state transplants are just as enraged and baffled as I am. My wife see's it in her uber-dangerous occupation of banking too. :wacko:


I also spend several days a year doing inspections, filling out forms and paying fees for things that have absolutely nothing to do with my business.

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