Hey I know this is pretty much last minute, but any help would be greatly appreciated !
Here's the way I have placed my lineup for now :
QB - C. Kaepernick
RB - M. Lynch
RB - M. Forte
WR - D. Bryant
WR - A. Green
TE - J. Cook
Flex (RB, WR) - S. Ridley
D/ST - Texans
K - B. Walsh
QB - R. Griffin III
RB- D. Sproles
WR - A. Boldin
Standard ESPN points!
And we are only 6 teams with a shortened bench, thats why my team seems pretty good.
I'm really hesitating between my WR and RB.
Also, a little hesitation between RG3 and Kaep because of their opponents!
I am already 0-1 and this week I am facing someone else who is also 0-1.
Here's his lstarting ineup:
QB - M. Ryan
RB - R. Rice
RB - J. Charles
WR - B. Marshall
WR - J. Jones
TE - J. Graham
Flex (RB, WR) - J. Thomas
D/ST - Bears
K - J. Tucker
So who should I start?
My roster locks at the kickoff of the first game of the week which is in about 3 hours, at 8:30 pm!
Thanks a lot !!