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Found 8 results

  1. I Have been offered Moreno and welker for Dez and Sproles. QB Foles, Big Ben RB R Bush,J Bell, Sproles,Ingram,Ellington, Mendenhall WR Dez, T Smith, Shorts, Boykin, Holmes TE Gronk STD league , bonus for distance scoring Is this something I should do or stand pat and hope and pray??? will answer all thanx in advance
  2. 12 team PPR I give up Julius Thomas and Ben Tate for RGIII My QB (Aweful!!) Alex Smith Terrelle Pryor RB Trent Richardson Matt Forte Steven Ridley Ben Tate Brandon Bulden TE Julius Thomas Gronk
  3. I have 7th pick in a 14 team PPR (non-keeper) league. 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 FLEX (RB/WR/TE), DEF, K, 4 Bench. I've been offered a trade for the 1st position with the exception of the 4th round where guy gets both picks and the 7th round where I get both picks. If I stay 7th I'll miss out on top RBs (Peterson, Martin, Spiller, Charles) and would probably see a Lynch or Richardson as my top RB and by my turn in the next round top WRs Megatron and Dez and top TE Graham will likely be gone. That means I don't get a top tier RB, WR or TE. Obviously with the #1 overall I get either AP or Martin (yeah I know...but I don't know that AP is a lock as top back) and would pickup someone like Andre Johnson and David Bell with my back to backs in rds 2 & 3. Even losing my 4th round pick I could find value with an extra pick in the 7th at QB and possibly a good WR like DeSean Jackson or TY Hilton. Thoughts?
  4. Ive been talking trades with quite a few teams as i have running back issues. Currently i have J. Charles, Steven jackson, D. Brown, LSH...rough i know....but i have AJ Green, B. Marshall, Vincent Jackson at WR.... Was offered Reggie Bush for Brandon Marshall and Reggie Bush Martellus Bennett for Marshall Greg Olson its a deep 12 person league .7 ppr....im middle of the pack in points but am 1st in division at 4-2...Charles and steven jackson/donald brown, i don't think wins me a title....and i really like vincent jacksons schedule these next few weeks.... Opinions please Also rest of season Marshall vs. Green....who do you guys like?
  5. kind of a problem is that I have Eli and Cruz, so that would give me 3 Giants players. I guess my thinking is that Nicks, when healthy, may be worth a little more for a trade down the road. I've been trying to shop Welker for a rb and have tried everything, but no takers. PPR league. Anyone think the same thing in regards to trade bait?
  6. I'm 1-2 was offered Julio Jones/Amanadola for AP and Jennings yes or no? Thanks for the input QBS... Brady,Romo,Sanchez RBS.... AP,BGE, Trent Richardson,Benson,Lashure,Mendenhall WRS... Hicks,Jennings,Antonio Brown, Miles Austin We play 3rbs and 3wrs no flex not ppr
  7. With MJD coming back, Rashaad Jennings value def went down. But he will be starting week one. Is Kendall Hunter for Rashaad Jennings a good trade? I know I'm giving up some upside, but the week 1&2, poss 3 affect is positive. Thoughts?
  8. I am in a standard, non-ppr, 10 person league. I have been offered a trade for Calvin Johnson and Ben Roethlesberger in exchange for Matthew Stafford and Wes Welker. My backup quarterback currently is Eli Manning. Should I accept the trade?
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