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Pistons are 40-8


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Lions fans finally have something to cheer about  :D







Umm, we had something to cheer about last year too, at least until Game 7. Oh and the year before that, we whipped the Lake show in the Finals. I was cheering pretty hard that year too.


When the Wings won in 2002 I was cheering pretty loud too, especially game 7 against the Lanche.


Point taken though, we have to get through Baseball and Football seasons to get to Basketball and Hockey season. But I'll take it.

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Umm, we had something to cheer about last year too, at least until Game 7.  Oh and the year before that, we whipped the Lake show in the Finals.  I was cheering pretty hard that year too.


When the Wings won in 2002 I was cheering pretty loud too, especially game 7 against the Lanche.


Point taken though, we have to get through Baseball and Football seasons to get to Basketball and Hockey season.  But I'll take it.







Championship in any of the major sports is something to get excited about. I would take any of those right now as a Vikings fan. TWolves have no shot.....maybe the Twins can muster something up.

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Umm, we had something to cheer about last year too, at least until Game 7.  Oh and the year before that, we whipped the Lake show in the Finals.  I was cheering pretty hard that year too.


When the Wings won in 2002 I was cheering pretty loud too, especially game 7 against the Lanche.


Point taken though, we have to get through Baseball and Football seasons to get to Basketball and Hockey season.  But I'll take it.






Wait... Basketball season started?

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You are not the only 1 in New York that don't know the basketball season started, the Knicks don't know either. :D






I know this will open a can of worms, but whether the Knicks are in 1st or last, it means nothing to me. Basketball is nothing more than a group of guys with pituitary disorders running up and down the court throwing a ball in a net that is only slightly higher than them. I would rather watch grass grow.

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That is much smarter than what I figured you would write. congratulations on that and keep working at it.






Your love for the game must be intense as the only contribution you've made to this thread is to get on me. You're just pissed b/c your Lions and your Tigers are minor league squads and you're been reduced to basketball and hockey. Have fun with that.


Lions and Tigers and Doc you suck.

Edited by Cherni
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Your love for the game must be intense as the only contribution you've made to this thread is to get on me. You're just pissed b/c your Lions and your Tigers are minor league squads and you're been reduced to basketball and hockey. Have fun with that.


Lions and Tigers and Doc you suck.








You got me on the Lions, they have sucked since I started watching football. I am old enough to have partied during a Tiger Championship World Series, 3 Piston chamionships, Red Wing Championships, Michigan State basketball championships. I don't feel cheated when it comes to championships.just my Lions.


Also, if you say I suck it must be true, because noone would know what that word means more than you.

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You got me on the Lions, they have sucked since I started watching football. I am old enough to have partied during a Tiger Championship World Series, 3 Piston chamionships,  Red Wing Championships, Michigan State basketball championships. I don't feel cheated when it comes to championships.just my Lions.


Also, if you say I suck it must be true, because noone would know what that word means more than you.






I was going for the Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my; but that must have missed you. But nice comeback with, "noone would know what that word means more than you." A 3rd grade comeback from a 3rd grade education?

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I was going for the Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my; but that must have missed you. But nice comeback with, "noone would know what that word means more than you." A 3rd grade comeback from a 3rd grade education?








I am sorry, if I would said " don't SUCK to many DxxKs on your way out" ..would that of been a comeback you would appreciated.


Shut up and quit running around looking for arguements,talking REAL sports is muck more fun, you should try it some day.



EDIT: and I caught the Lions and Tigers and bears oh my deal you had going on there, it just was not funny. I guess you think it was since you JUST HAD to bring it up again.. :D

Edited by Doc Holliday
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I am sorry, if I would said " don't SUCK to many DxxKs on your way out" ..would that of been a comeback you would appreciated.


Shut up and quit running around looking for arguements,talking REAL sports is muck more fun, you should try it some day.






Don't forget Doc, you responded to me, you went at me, not the other way around. I'm just having fun, but I must have struck a nerve. Don't dish it if you can't take it. Bizzznitch.

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Don't forget Doc, you responded to me, you went at me, not the other way around. I'm just having fun, but I must have struck a nerve. Don't dish it if you can't take it. Bizzznitch.








Bizznitch :D you can't even keep with the times...what word you gonna break out with next..GROOVY. :D


Also, you chimed in dogging basketball in a post about basketball, think before you speak TOTO... get it..TOTO. ...in case you did not get it I will say it again in my next 5 posts. :D

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Bizznitch   :D  you can't even keep with the times...what word you gonna break out with next..GROOVY.   :D


Also, you chimed in dogging basketball in a post about basketball, think before you speak TOTO... get it..TOTO. ...in case you did not get it I will say it again in my next 5 posts.  :D






It was the only way I could call you a b-i-t-c-h without the board switching it up. I must have really struck a nerve, you're getting more and more angry with every post. Groovy was probably a hot word when you were growing up but not me buddy. You're really dating yourself here; or should I say carbon dating?


EDIT: Probably don't even know where Bizznitch came from.

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It was the only way I could call you a b-i-t-c-h without the board switching it up. I must have really struck a nerve, you're getting more and more angry with every post. Groovy was probably a hot word when you were growing up but not me buddy. You're really dating yourself here; or should I say carbon dating?








Buddy ? :D


You don't even realize how funny you are.




Edited by Doc Holliday
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I guess you quit mgetting out about then huh?  :D







If you could translate this to English I might have something to say about that.

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Heh, sorry if english is bad my SLANG using friend.






I'm in my mid 20's. I live in NYC. You think I don't get out much? LOL. You're probably in your 40's, married, kids, the whole deal. Not that there is anything wrong with that but you don't want to go there.

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Oh, did I stutter? Everybody gone all quiet and shiz? About a minute ago it was like an evening at the Apollo up in this motherf'er, now all of a sudden it's quiet as a church... That's alright Doc.

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