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League in an uproar over a trade in the beginning of the year...


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Ok...here's the deal. I actually posted the trade when I was contemplating it earlier in the year on the huddle, and there were no large objections. Now I am 7-1, 1st place in both standings and points. I am the commissioner of this league by the way.


Here was the original thread: http://forums.thehuddle.com/index.php?showtopic=214360&hl=chazman819


I accepted the trade on Sept 3rd, and it processed the 6th. In my mistake, I thought it was set up to have the league view the trade and offer objections. After checking, the commissioner reviews all trades (I am not big on the league viewing and voting, if two people agree to do a deal, so be it). Now it's November 3rd, and owners are posting messages saying the trade was BS, and they would have vetoed it.


There is no doubt I made out big time, but it's only because Moss blew up. Almost everyone had him labeled a bust and reports had him having a hurt hamstring. I took a chance on him, and I lucked out. I only wanted Brady, but he offered Moss. The owner and I had been talking draft night about doing a deal, and as I said before, he was willing to deal Brady because he was hurting at RB.


So here we are, I am on top of the world, and he is struggling because the RB he asked for went down (Draft night I was offering Jones-Drew instead of Williams, but he wanted Williams). Did I mention he is not the one complaining?


So I ask you....and think back to before the season started, before Moss blew up those first few weeks, was there anything wrong with this trade? And, shouldn't any objections have come within the first couple weeks of the season? The trade gets listed on the transactions page on the league homepage, so they saw it after it went through.


Oh...and one more thing...it's a family league....for money.

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What's the big deal? This trade was made BEFORE the season started. In our league's draft, Brady went 2.10, and Moss went 8.6!!! Who would have thought that? I don't see anything wrong with it. If the league objected, they should have said something 2 months ago, not now. Talk to your family and get them to calm down. It's supposed to be fun!


Please see mine: Click here.

Edited by Rileyrott
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Having the league vote on trades works fine as long as you trust the members in your league. With that being said, only give a 2 day window max to vote it down. Any deal done prior to the season is fine. Sounds like sour grapes because you made out like a fat guy with 2 hot lesbians.

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