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Week 9 Flex Dilemma


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Hi folks, this is my first post here and my first season playing Fantasy Football...so bear with me. :wacko:


I've got myself in a bit of a dilemma this week basically due to a bad choice in who to drop while making room for a recent trade in which I picked up Willie Parker and Lee Evans. I had a choice between two players I could afford to drop to make room and (like the newbie I am) I chose Ted Ginn Jr rather than Lance Moore who is on a bye. So due to my brain fart I now have Laveranues Coles and Lee Evans as my only receivers not on a bye this week therefore using a WR in my flex is not an option and I need to look at my RBs available.


I have Steven Jackson and Brandon Jacobs in my 2 RB slots. But as for my flex spot I'm unsure whether I should go with Willie Parker or Ryan Torain. Normally Parker would be a no-brainer, but looking at it situationally it's a bit of a toss-up. Willie is proven but not yet at 100% and will be coming back into a lineup where he's likely to still split carries with Mewelde Moore who has done quite well recently. Torain, on the other hand, is unproven but saying he feels back at 100% and is expected to share a smaller part of the workload with Pittman (who isn't at 100% himself).


My gut is saying to go ahead with Parker and not buy into the hype surrounding Torain just yet, but I figured I should get some outside opinions on it before making the call.


Any thoughts?

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Wait, can you get TGinn Jr. back? If so, he's your clear choice for flex this week against a DEFenseless Bronco team.


If you know that Parker is absolutely going to play before Torain's game starts, then start Parker. If not, then, well, Torain.


No other option for flex this week?


Nah, that's what I had originally hoped to do (drop Moore for Ginn) but he got picked up pretty much immediately. I have 3 receivers on a bye this week (Moore, Bruce and Chambers), so Torain and Parker are all I have left.

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Wait, can you get TGinn Jr. back? If so, he's your clear choice for flex this week against a DEFenseless Bronco team.


If you know that Parker is absolutely going to play before Torain's game starts, then start Parker. If not, then, well, Torain.


No other option for flex this week?

What he said :wacko:

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