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Get Romo ... Give Lynch

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I've been offered Tony Romo for Marshawn Lynch ... Scoring is pretty standard ... Romo (despite missing games) has scored 125 with Jake/Ryan each scoring 95 so far ... TJones and Slayton have both scored a couple points more than Lynch so far this season (62 and 65 to 61) ... So it would seem the gamble is a chance at an upgrade (if Romo comes back not missing a beat) without much drop off in RB performance (if Portis stays healthy and if Lynch doesn't explode) ...


I'm tempted to take the gamble, given what I've got -- but strength of schedule worries me. Romo faces tough defenses when he comes back from injury (was, balt, nyg, etc) and Lynch has a nice run of ruanble defenses in the second half of the season. Does that keep me from doing it?


Worth it?

My QBs (start 1)

Jake Delhomme

Matt Ryan


My RBs (start 2)







His QBs (start 1)





His RBs (start 2)





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If Lynch hasn't blown up by now, he won't down the stretch. Romo should be fine in week 11. With him, it doesn't really matte who they play, they are going to score points.


see mine


Edited by radernashun
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I don't know how much i agree, then again I am just a fan. But remember that the Bills play in cold weather down the stretch (Snow, Wind, rain) and might need to run more then throw. Here is Lynch's remaining Schedule:











Not a bad schedule for a RB if you ask me. Tony Romo is going to come back to a team in turmoil and a bit rusty. Also has a new WR in Roy Williams. The O-line is not the best out there.


I think Dallas has to many problems and i would not do that trade because of the risk Romo has in Dallas.


Help me out:



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Thanks for the thoughts ... I am 5-4 and in 5th place in a 12 at them moment, despite being #2 in points ... six make the playoffs ... I'm thinking this is a chance to go "all in" to try and win this thing ... Bet that my other RBs can stay within 3 points per week of marshawn for the rest of the year (as they have so far) and bet that Romo comes back and stays 6 points ahead of Jake/Matt per week (as he had before the injury and before getting RoyW as well ... that would bump me up a field goal per week ... might be a difference maker ...


Hmmmm ... :wacko:


Done. Deal. :D


Here's hoping ...

Edited by Donutrun Jellies
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