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Trade Dilemma......As Commish, been offered great deal

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Okay, here's the deal....10 team league...I'm 8 and 3 (and commish)....other team is out of the playoffs....We keep 2 franchise players each year....


He wants Gore....He offered me Warner, Westbrook and Wayne for Gore, straight up....


The league has right to veto trades...I'm pretty sure that they would veto this one.....Since I get Warner, I can throw in McNabb....So, he gives me Warner, Westbrook and Wayne; I give him Gore and McNabb......


is that fair, or do I need to throw someone else in?

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Countered with:


Gore, McNabb and Benson (throw in) for:


Warner, Westbrook and Wayne


I definite upgrade QB and WR (which I definitely need, see WR's below)....


Give up a great RB; still got Grant, T Jones, Kevin Smith, and if Westy gets back to form.....



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To me, if both the trade makes both teams better or has a chance to, then it is a fair deal no question.


But, in a vacuum, it seems very unfair. Given the keeper aspect, it makes a little more sense, but still.


Having never played in a keeper league, I don't have a feel for whether or not this is acceptable...

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The guys' an idiot, why is he even actively trading if he's out of the playoff race?


That being said, it's your obligation to fleece him here.


I'd be pissed if I was in the playoff race with you. This is why I'd never step up and be commish, my commish was the beneficiary of some wack trades at the deadline this year and as the current league-leader I wasn't happy about it. But it's close enough that you'd be fine.


See me


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The guys' an idiot, why is he even actively trading if he's out of the playoff race?


That being said, it's your obligation to fleece him here.


I'd be pissed if I was in the playoff race with you. This is why I'd never step up and be commish, my commish was the beneficiary of some wack trades at the deadline this year and as the current league-leader I wasn't happy about it. But it's close enough that you'd be fine.


See me



We keep 2 franchise players.....guess he's playing for next year.......Warner has been one of the best QB's in the league.....my fear, obviously, is Westbrook, who hasn't been the same....I give up Gore, who is running better than Westy, but get upgrade in Wayne, as Indy is playing better...see how it plays out....


Not like i gave him Rosenfels.....at least McNabb is a legit QB....

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I need some advice...as stated above, was approached by owner who wants Gore.....we keep 2 franchise players, and he is going to miss the playoffs this year....


I am commish of the league, but also run it fair, meaning that if owners object to a trade being lopsided, it won't go through.....


Initially, owner offered me Warner, Westbrook and Wayne for JUST Gore....told him league would have my head...said can't do....


We decided:












yes, i upgrade at WR and QB......feel with Westy injured and the season Gore is having, plus fact better long term franchise player, he does okay there....


One owner said doesn't feel trade is that big of a deal......other owner says it's total BS......


What are peoples thoughts? should I reverse trade out?

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Westy is probably out the next two weeks, but if you can afford to lose two games, then Westy might be healthy for your FF playoffs. Wayne is going to do well.


You upgrade two positions and seriously downgrade one. It's a good deal for you, but I don't think it's as good as you and everyone else thinks.


Is Westy out for next 2 weeks??? I haven't seen that posted anywhere.....been reading he misses practice, which is norm for him then suits up and plays......Havent seen that he is likely to miss anytime.....anyone verify that?

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Okay, here's the deal....10 team league...I'm 8 and 3 (and commish)....other team is out of the playoffs....We keep 2 franchise players each year....


He wants Gore....He offered me Warner, Westbrook and Wayne for Gore, straight up....


The league has right to veto trades...I'm pretty sure that they would veto this one.....Since I get Warner, I can throw in McNabb....So, he gives me Warner, Westbrook and Wayne; I give him Gore and McNabb......


is that fair, or do I need to throw someone else in?



Sorry bro but if i was in that league I'd still Veto you, 3 studs for 2 studs is still what you're looking at..

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You raped that guy and your the commish? You should be ashamed of yourself. As much as you want to justify it and say its a keeper league or whatever you took tha guy to the cleaners and you know it. If this trade did not involve you and it came across for your review you know you would nix it and that alone is why you sir are a cheater.....and your friend should not be playing FFB he is not competant enough.

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I had a similar deal today. Another guys offered up Adrian Peterson for Roddy White and Jamal Lewis.


We did; White/Lewis and Owen Daniel for AD/Holt and Greg Olsen


They approached me and I am the commish. They have D. Williams and Turner so had 3 stud RB, their WR and TE were weak. They are very happy and of course I am happy.


If both parties are happy isn't it a good trade? The art of the deal is to benefit both sides, whether it's fact or perception.

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You raped that guy and your the commish? You should be ashamed of yourself. As much as you want to justify it and say its a keeper league or whatever you took tha guy to the cleaners and you know it. If this trade did not involve you and it came across for your review you know you would nix it and that alone is why you sir are a cheater.....and your friend should not be playing FFB he is not competant enough.



The league runs itself....we put trades to a Vote....Commish does not rule on trades...rules (basically, monitor payment, scheduling, etc...).....I put this to a vote...at first, some balked and I said fine, trade can be revoked.....its a ten team league....Majority said trade should stand......reason being, he gets legit franchise back, which he wanted....He has Eli already as a QB...Colston....Addai....Brandon Jacobs....Gates....Cotchery....he had a good solid team, just string of bad matchups....


i was hurting at WR.....believe me, far from being a cheater.....i was all set to act on however league saw fit...8 teams voted for it to go through....

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