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How feasible would this law be?


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In order to make phone solicitations on behalf of a charity, the charity must receive some massively significant percentage of the money raised. I don't know, 90% or something. I don't know what the exact number should be but we've discussed the whole Police fundraiser scam and the % that actually makes it to the police is atrocious.


None the less, the intent, of course, of the law would be to make it less profitable for companies to pull this crap.


It would be nice, mind you, if the schools or police, or what have you would simply not hire these guys to do this because, regardless of how noble the ultimate cause is, the fact that they play into this scam undoes any good will they may be trying to perpetuate. However, it appears they're not going to do that. Maybe 20% of what these a-holes can raise for them is more than 100% of what they can raise themselves.


Well, you know what cops? If the only way you can afford to do whatever good deed you want to do is to swindle a bunch of people out of money, maybe you shouldn't have the event.


Same with the schools. If you need scratch for new band uniforms. Figure something out that doesn't involve feeding this crappy effing industry.

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