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Turner trade help


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Decent deal?

Standard 12 team PPR no flex. Keepers cost picks. I'm already keeping Chris Johnson at 7.11 and Warner at 14.

I am not very excited about Turner this year and would have to give up pick 1.11 to keep him.


I give up: Michael Turner

I effectively get: Pick 1.11, 3.06, Chester Taylor(cost 8.02 if kept)


I see this turning out to be something like Turner for Megatron/AJ/Moss and Gates/R. Bush.


Thanks for the help

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Keepers cost picks two rounds earlier than taken last year. That rules out anyone taken in rounds 1-2 and almost all of the picks from round 3. Before my 1.11 pick the keepers are (as far as I can tell) MJD(1.06), Brees(1.09) and maybe Calvin J who would be pick 1.8. The team with Megatron doesn't have a good rb keeper so my bet is they don't keep him. Notable FAs are ADP, Sjax, Tomlinson, Westbrook, Gore, Fitz, Andre Johnson, R. Moss, Portis, Bowe, Jennings. I feel like at least one of the top 3 receivers should fall to me at 1.11

Edited by mrip
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Thanks Opie. I think this will be a good deal for me if Brees is kept in front of my pick. That team has dropped all players from the team except apparent keepers, but keepers haven't been officially declared. If they drop Brees and grab a wr/rb I'll probably end up with Jennings at 1.11. Think I'm going to role the dice and accept unless someone wants to convince me otherwise.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Depends on who else is kept and what the true value of the 1.11 and 3.06 are. Doesn't seem like too bad a deal, but I hope you projected those players right. I could see those WRs gone by 1.11 with keepers...




I ended up choosing between Calvin Johnson and Frank Gore at 1.11 and took Gore. In the third, all three top TEs were available but I went with Bowe instead. So Turner for Gore and Bowe.

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