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Hey guys,


I'm not sure who to keep next year for my FF league...it's a keeper league, I'm allowed to keep 3 guys but I have about 7 who I probably could keep. My league has 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 RB/WR, 1 TE. Here is who I have to decide between:


QB - Matt Ryan

RB - Adrian Peterson

RB - Brian Westbrook

RB - Steve Slaton

RB - Thomas Jones

WR - Terrell Owens

WR - Marques Colston

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I almost forgot to add the league scoring system, it is as follows if this helps at all:


4 Pts yer passing TD, 1 Pt per 25 yards passing, -1 per Interception


6 Pts per receiving TD, 1 pt per 10 yards receiving


6 Pts per rushing TD, 1 pt per 10 yards rushing



And thanks for the advice Opie, appreciate it

Edited by jason9612
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I was actually thinking of not taking Westbrook and taking Colston instead....any thoughts on that?


I say this because I believe I can offer TO and Westbrook to the guy with the last place team for the #1 pick in our keeper draft...should I try that?

Edited by jason9612
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