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S.Jackson, M.Forte, B.Jacobs


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Keeper league with the following scoring method: 6 pts / TD and 1 pt / 10 yds rushing and receiving. Minus 2 for turnovers. Which 2 should I keep between Steven Jackson, Matt Forte, and Brandon Jacobs? :wacko:


The Huddle's projected stats favor Jackson and Forte, but it's tough to release a beast like Jacobs.


Appreciate the forum member's viewpoints.



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Good news, You'll be stacked at RB.


All the Rags and Sites are pretty consistent thinking that SJAX will bounce back. (even though he had 1000 and 7TDs much more was expected of him last year)

Jacobs has one less RBBC to share with and got similar yardage as SJAX with 8 more TDs in 1 more game. But Jacobs isn't a threat to catch any balls.


That NO-Line in St. Louis is horrible.


The safe bet is to keep SJAX and Forte. You will never regret this. It is the correct move.


I personally believe that Jacobs and Forte will be the better choice when the dust settles in 2009.

However how hard will you kick your self if SJAX goes off for 1800 and 18 TDs rushing with another 500 yards and 3 TDS reciving.

I think pretty damn hard.


The ceiling is much higher for SJAX than Jacobs.


Thats why you have to keep Forte and SJAX and do not over think it.


Just like NBYS this can be thought as Always KEEP Your Stud or AKYS

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