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Who here downs energy drinks?


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A few summers ago, Dorey invited me to join him for the Texas Testosterone Festival, a 2-day event in Austin that showcased all things dude. Tattoos, jet skis, MMA, fantasy football (obviously where we fit in), and hot chicks in bikinis.


We did an "experts" :tup: draft on the main day.


A couple days prior, they had a "kickoff" event at a local watering hole (Bikinis - kind of like Hooters) where they had a bunch of contests and stuff. Well, they had an energy drink (NOS) as one of the sponsors and they had a "chugging contest". They had a ladies contest, then a guys contest. I won the guys contest by at least 5 seconds. :rofl:


Then they suggested that the ladies winner face off against me. :lol: Of course, the ladies had slammed the small can, while we had done the massive 20oz'er. They made us face off using the 20oz'er, so I had 40oz of energy drink in about 5 minutes.


Yes, the chick beat me (she had pounded her share of beers in her day, and c'mon, I just pounded one 2 minute prior!).... but it wasn't by much, and she had half the drink on her. :wacko:


Safe to say I was acting like this for the next 4-5 hours. :rofl:


Testosterone? I think that's where this came from..



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