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Disgusting union politics in WI


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Firefighters union throws cold water on 9-11 float


The float is shown at the Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek, where firefighter Matt Gorniak and a church youth group are making it ready for a Racine parade on Monday.


These days, almost anything can get caught in the blender of Wisconsin's union politics.


It can even happen to a Fourth of July parade float honoring firefighters and cops killed on Sept. 11, 2001.


"Back then, the public wasn't saying, 'How sad for the union' - they were saying, 'Those were firefighters who died,'" said Matt Gorniak, a Milwaukee-area fire lieutenant who is the driving force behind the float. "That's what this is about. It's above union, nonunion."


Or at least it should be.


The same float - a re-enactment of the famous photo of three firefighters raising the American flag amid the rubble of the World Trade Center - created a rush of emotions as it passed through three parade routes in Milwaukee County back in 2002. Crowds spontaneously rose to their feet, offering thunderous applause.


With the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks coming up later this year, Gorniak and his church's youth group decided to revive the float in Racine's upcoming Independence Day parade, one of the biggest in the area.


Unexpectedly, the request set off a debate among the leaders of the Racine firefighters union.


The problem: Gorniak had recently invoked a little-used provision in his union contract and opted out of membership in the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin.


Members of the executive board of the Racine firefighters union ultimately decided not to support or march with his float.


This week, the head of the union declined to discuss the decision.


"I really don't have much of a comment on that," said Craig Ford, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 321.


Other union leaders were also tight-lipped.


"I don't feel it's appropriate for me to make a comment," said Mike DeGarmo, the union treasurer.


One Racine firefighter is disgusted by the union leadership's decision.


Mike Gabbey, a veteran firefighter who also resigned from the union earlier this year, said most of his colleagues don't even know what is going on with the parade float. But Gabbey predicted a huge backlash once word gets out.


"I've got to think most of the guys would agree with me: This has nothing to do with politics," Gabbey said.


The tribute to the 300-plus firefighters killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was built by members of the Oak Creek Fire Department, including Gorniak, using parts donated by local businesses.


The original float included a grid that looked like a portion of one of the severely damaged buildings after the twin towers collapsed, with artificial building rubble spread across the floor of a small flatbed truck. A flagpole like the one in the famous photo was extended from one end of the float, and the firefighters posted scrolls with the names of all the firefighters, police officers and emergency workers killed in the 2001 attacks.


"I was shocked at the response," said Gorniak, who drove the float through the Oak Creek, St. Francis and Cudahy parades in 2002. "It was very, very emotional."


The float was then put in storage and has remained there until Gorniak and a few others recently began kicking around the idea of reviving it in time for the 10-year anniversary. He worked with the youth group at his church, Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek, to rehab the float, and he contacted Racine officials about showcasing it in the city's upcoming parade.


Parade officials were thrilled with the idea and put Gorniak in touch with Racine fire officials.


"It's a good idea to recognize the 10th anniversary of the Trade Center collapse," said Racine Fire Chief Steve Hansen. "People need to know that our jobs are dangerous."


But because he felt he couldn't order his employees to march in the parade with the float, Hansen said he turned the matter over to the union.


Gorniak said Ford, the union president, was on board initially.


"I think he would have hugged me at first," Gorniak said of Ford. The two even agreed to bring in a New York City Fire Department firefighter to march in the parade, with Racine picking up the cost. Gorniak continued, "I was beside myself with joy."


All of that changed a few days later.


"Craig said, 'I've got a question for you: Are you fair share?'" Gorniak said. "I said, 'What does that have to do with anything?' "


Under state law, public employees can drop out of the union and opt to pay just their "fair share" for the cost the union incurs for negotiating contracts. These nonvoting employees don't have to foot the bill for the union's political, social and ideological activities.

Officials say it is highly unusual for Wisconsin firefighters to ask to go fair share. But Gorniak - who describes himself as a born-again Christian who supports conservative politicians, including Gov. Scott Walker - filed his resignation letter and became a fair-share worker in late March or early April. He said he made the move in response to the protests in Madison over Walker's collective-bargaining plan.


The move is so rare that union officials are still, months later, trying to figure out how much Gorniak should pay to cover negotiating costs. He was the first in his fire department to resign from the union.


Ford decided to take the parade issue to his executive board. Before the vote, Gorniak said, he offered to back out and turn over the keys to the truck, letting Ford and other Racine firefighters lead the float through the parade.


It didn't work.


Gorniak said he was told a few days later that the board had voted not to support the float.

"The float is coming anyway," Gorniak said. "I'm going to run it with or without firefighters."


In 2002, three firefighters stood atop the float, and others from several South Shore fire departments walked solemnly along behind, often with their helmets under an arm.


Gorniak said he is offering an open invitation to any firefighter - union or not - who would like to join the float at Monday's parade.


The last thing he wants, he said, is the homemade tribute to become the latest battle ground in the state's collective-bargaining wars.


"I want to touch our community," Gorniak said. "I'm hoping patriotic people are out in droves, and they don't see this as union or nonunion."



Everyone on that union board should be :wacko::tup::lol: What a dick move. Some things should be above politics . . .

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Dude. It's the 21st century. Class and respect for others is passe and anything goes, no matter how low...and calling the POSs who pull it is as likely to get you ripped on as agreed with, again no matter how low or asinine etc the thing is.

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Don't understand the venom. I simply posted a response. Why is it that you say this? I've said nothing offensive.


Because it is not partisan. You see everything in terms of party stereotypes for some reason, when the whole thread is about putting political parties aside for something that should be non-partisan.


Are you serious? Or :wacko:

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Because it is not partisan. You see everything in terms of party stereotypes for some reason, when the whole thread is about putting political parties aside for something that should be non-partisan.


Are you serious? Or :wacko:


posted by one of the most partisan players on this forum. C'mon, already - ARE YOU SERIOUS?


But I am right. that's what you have a problem with.

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posted by one of the most partisan players on this forum. C'mon, already - ARE YOU SERIOUS?


See . . when you post tripe like this, you dumb down threads.


If I was remotely as partisan as your Glenn Beck provided glasses see . . I never would have posted this, would I? That might be too tough for you to understand or grasp . . please have gbpfan explain it to you in Dr. Suess level language.

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See . . when you post tripe like this, you dumb down threads.


If I was remotely as partisan as your Glenn Beck provided glasses see . . I never would have posted this, would I? That might be too tough for you to understand or grasp . . please have gbpfan explain it to you in Dr. Suess level language.


You're in such denial it isn't even funny anymore.


You don't want people responding to YOUR posts - THEN DON'T POST! I was actually agreeing with you and the article.


How many insults you going to throw out before you realize you're no better than the same people you accuse of being trolls, jackasses, idiots, etc...?


And for the record - i have never watched or listened to Glenn Beck. I find him to be a complete moron.

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