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so there's this photogropher guy who I bought an e-book from a couple years ago, and that purchase somehow signed me up for his email list. he doesn't overuse it, I just get an update every month or so -- not a problem, and I haven't bothered unsubscribing.


so he sends out an update yesterday. moron #1 wants to ask gary a question, and apparently uses reply-all. at this point I should note that there is a clear "unsubscribe" link in the email, as there is with most of these types of things. so then moron #2 replies asking to be removed from the email list. and yes, moron #2's reply was sent to everyone on the list. as of this morning, there were 10 more replies in my inbox of people asking to be unsubscribed from the list, and 3 more replies telling the other ones what morons they are for using reply-all and NOT using the simple unsubscribe link in the email.


I'm thinking he must've screwed up in how he set up the email list so that any reply becomes a reply-all and the other morons just keep replying anyway. ahh, another one came in while I was typing this. how annoying. :wacko:

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MAJOR pet peeve of mine. I had to send out many emails to everyone here at work telling them not to reply to all. When a promotion is announced, there would always be a bunch of "Congratulations!" emails. I would then send an email to everyone stating to hit REPLY, and change the name, or simply forward the email to the person.


I cannot begin to tell you how much this bothers me. :wacko:

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The photographer needs to learn how to send out a newsletter. Sure, I have no idea why someone would reply-all with that sort of thing, but it's still way too easy to avoid this.


1) There's a ton of on-line services that manage e-mail lists and are really cheap. Not only will his e-mails look better and he'll be able to mine data with regard to their efficacy, he'll be able to completely avoid this. Also, when someone does unsubscribe, it just happens. They're gone, just like that. No work on your part. Same with people signing up. He could put a portal on his website that goes to an automated sign-up form and it's done. Depending on the size of the list, he could literally find something for $10-$15. In other words, free. Because if this newsletter is worth the trouble of sending out, it's worth spending $15 on.



2) Even if he wants to do it the hard way (and by hard I mean, dicking around with out-box limitations and such, he needs to BCC everyone on the list or take some other action to avoid having everyone's e-mails exposed. Not only to protect you from the annoyance of what you're going through, but also from someone scooping up your e-mail and using it for their list.

Edited by detlef
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Is it a Yahoo Groups e-list? I belong to one that was populated by old colleagues. Whenever someone posted to the group, the default reply-to address was the one that posted to the entire group, instead of replying only to the original sender. So whenever someone would post, "So-and-so just got a new job!", everyone who subscribed to the list would get a dozen one-word replies saying, "Congrats!" Especially great were the ones that were meant to be personal and the dumbass sent it to the whole group.

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