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fracking causes STDs


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what the frack?


HARRISBURG, Pa. — A state lawmaker is explaining his remark that suggests the impact of Pennsylvania's booming natural gas industry includes the spread of sexually transmitted disease "amongst the womenfolk."


Democratic Rep. Michael Sturla of Lancaster County was expected to discuss the remark at a previously scheduled hearing Wednesday on gas drilling.

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What do you expect... A bunch of single, strapping, well paid men come into Pennsylvania, something the wimmen there haven't seen in decades and you expect them to not start banging these dudes?

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Of course, Az continues to search for a job as spinmeister for any of the Republican presidential candidates, so conveniently omits the last paragraph, which pretty much renders this whole thing un-newsworthy:


The state Republican Party on Tuesday evening called the remark offensive and incredibly stupid, and called on Sturla to apologize. However, Sturla was apparently citing testimony by Troy Community Hospital from May that says among its experiences with the influx of drilling crews is an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.


Dog bites man. Big f**king wow. ::wacko:

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Of course, Az continues to search for a job as spinmeister for any of the Republican presidential candidates, so conveniently omits the last paragraph, which pretty much renders this whole thing un-newsworthy:


good grief. it's an amusing story, posted for that reason. please get over yourself.

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