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Cancer: if your doctor isn't cutting it...


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Although I have said similar more than once, I cannot take credit for the post below, which said it better. Still thought it might be worth sharing in case any of you find yourself in this position (whether it's about cancer or anything else) - something which I hope none of you ever are. Not even the most flaming of aholes among you. :wacko: Bottom line: you are in charge of your health and plans to maintain/improve it. Putting blind faith in any doctor is stupid in the extreme.



You need to dump your current doctor if they...


1. are not willing to support second getting opinions from other Dr's eg specialists

2. will not consult a team about your case as applicable (surgeons, radiologists, etc.)

3. are not willing to consider or discuss your choices of treatment options

4. do not want you to ask questions, or question their treatment plans

5. do not encourage you to learn as much as you can & advocate for yourself


YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: You are part of the treatment team... DO YOUR HOMEWORK.... Be realistic about the doctor's time and use it wisely...


1. Read your own records and learn the cancer basics and treatment methods on your own.

2. Don't use your doctor's time for a therapy session....be brief about your issues and get a therapy referral instead.

3. Bring printed articles or clinical trial protocols as applicable. HIGHLIGHT what you want them to read or discuss with you. Doctors can't search for every possible trial, read every newly published sarcoma article or answer to every question you have.





1. Call your insurance for a list of specialists which they will pay for.

2. Call that physician's office directly - Ask for a second opinion appointment.

3. When there, ask if they'd be willing to be your treating doctor permanently.

4. Inform your insurance of the change


Notice that you do not have to get your current doctor's permission. It is YOUR MEDICAL RIGHT as a patient to see whatever doctor you want.

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