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Running the Chicago Marathon, please help!


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Hey dudes, thought I'd post this and see if anyone would contribute. I'm at $1309, 65% of my $2000 goal. Another forum I'm active on raised about $360, so let's see what this nets. So close to $2000! Appreciate any help you can give, PM me if ya have any questions. I sent this out to me friends and family so I'll post the same thing

Hello friends and family! Hope all is well, especially to those I haven't spoken to in some time.


This October, I will be participating in the Chicago Marathon. It's long been a goal of mine to run it and I've finally decided to dedicate my time and energy to this wonderful but challenging event.


While running is a passion of mine, doing my part to help others is also a sincere passion. I've made the choice to combine these two passions by running with a charity in the Chicago Marathon. The team is "Cellmates On The Run" and we will be running to raise funds for The Chicago Diabetes Project.


The mission of the Chicago Diabetes Project is to make islet cell transplantation the most promising treatment for diabetes today, and a viable option for all who suffer with diabetes.


Some quick facts:


In 1985 there were 30 million diabetics. Today the number has skyrocketed to more than 197 million.

By the year 2025, diabetes is likely to affect more than 300 million people worldwide.

One in three American children will be diagnosed with diabetes in their lifetime


I remember more than 15 years ago when my mother was diagnosed with diabetes. I know how much it has affected her lifestyle, watching her prick her finger daily to check her blood sugar level and knowing how crucial it is for her to watch her diet.


Promoting awareness of this disease is incredibly important to me, while promoting healthy lifestyles as well. I hope to do my part with both and I know you can help me too.


My goal is to raise $2000 for The Chicago Diabetes Project. This is a reachable goal and together we can help combat this devastating epidemic. I realize times are tough right now, but any contribution will go a long way. I'm currently at $1309, 65% of my $2000 goal. You can donate by choosing either of these options:


Visiting this website: http://www.active.com/donate/cellmates2011/rahulgupta


Via check--please make it out to "UIF/Chicago Diabetes Project," put “For Rahul Gupta” under memo,” and mail it to:


Chicago Diabetes Project

attn: Katie Marchetti

840 S. Wood St., Suite 402

Chicago, IL 60612


Finally, if you know of anyone who might be interested in helping out, please forward this email.


I greatly appreciate your support and I know I will not let any one of you down by running my hardest in the Chicago Marathon. I will be running for every one of you, my mother, and for everyone affected by diabetes. I hope to see some of you at the race!



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You're the best!

Just kick their ass!

2:03 is awesome! What you are doing is awesome!

Come on huddlers...It's worthwhile and yall are backing a stellar huddler.

If yall can...do!

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