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Obama's jobs plan


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I just love how Obama touts his working with Republicans, and does the exact opposite. Like was said earlier, this proposal is a lose lose for Republicans, so that he can try to turn it into an election issue.


This was him looking to gain bipartisanship? I'd hate to see what it would look like if he wasn't trying for bipartisanship. Oh right, Obamacare... Sorry.. forgot.


That should worry even the Democrats. If you think both sides should work together, you should be blasting this bill. Inserting stuff that won't pass for politics is stupid. This guy is only worried about one Job, and that is his.


Anyone but Obama in 2012 !!


The time for bipartisanship and negotiating is done. Americans had enough of that process during the debt ceiling crisis. This is Obama’s take it or leave it proposal. The republicans already cashed in their biggest bargaining chip during the whole debt ceiling fight. They screwed up by not holding out to make the Bush tax cuts permanent and by not getting a balanced budget amendment.


No one wants any long, drawn out negotiation on the jobs bill. We’ve been there and done that already and the economy is still in the crapper. Republicans are going to have a tough time convincing America that what we need now is more negotiations.

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So if the unemployed get jobs, then the Republicans lose"? :wacko: I would think they cared more about employing Americans. I guess not?

Everything they do is aimed at getting Obama out, no more, no less. To hell with whether the proposal is the right or wrong thing to do, they can only say No because they must. Doing otherwise might make Obama look good.

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I for one hope Obama gets re-elected.


Maybe then in the next 4 years I can finally get me a handout.


If you qualify for the Bush tax cuts, then you already are . . .


Or if you have a small business, then you will get a "handout" in the jobs bill with MORE tax cuts.


Not to mention the payrill tax cut you already got this year.


Enjoy your handouts ya freeloader! I bet you also drink red bull, smoke cigs and have an iphone . . .:wacko:

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