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Lawrence Russell Brewer executed in Texas

Ditkaless Wonders

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Texas took little more than a decade to execute Brewer for the death of James Byrd. James Byrd was chained to the back of Brewer's pick up and dragged until dead. Byrd was targeted by the White Supremicyst (and he is a cyst or a boil) Brewer for the crime of being born black. Before being dragged to death Brewer painted the chained and helpless Mr. Byrd's face with black paint. The paint remained on after the dragging, though not all of Mr. Byrd's flesh did.

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They should have dragged Brewer behind the patrol car on the way to Jail. Though, I am glad th SOB had 13 years of knowing that he would be executed at some point. I really hope it screwed with his head to the point that it drove him slowly insane and near the end all he could do was think about the moment that they would stick a needle in his arm and administer a lethal dose of chemicals. Also, I hope it hurt. This guy may have been the biggest POS on the planet.

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