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How will we pay for our 4th war?


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(CNN) - In an interview deriding the Iranian government for their roll in a foiled terror plot against the Saudi ambassador in Washington, Senator John McCain took a swipe at President Obama Thursday, saying that his failure to support Iranian anti-government demonstrators in 2009 may have allowed the plot to unfold.


McCain, the 2008 GOP presidential nominee, said in an interview on CBS' The Early Show: "we could have avoided this. We should have supported [the demonstrators], and they could have overthrown the government then."


We could have avoided foiling a terror plot by going to war with Iran back when the demonstrators were revolting.




Supporting a revolution (Libya) is bad.


Standing aside and letting a revolution take its course (Egypt) is bad.


Not supporting a revolution (Iran) and keeping the country out of another war is bad.



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We could have avoided foiling a terror plot by going to war with Iran back when the demonstrators were revolting.




Supporting a revolution (Libya) is bad.


Standing aside and letting a revolution take its course (Egypt) is bad.


Not supporting a revolution (Iran) and keeping the country out of another war is bad.



I don't really care what McCain thinks - his crowning military achievement was getting shot down and captured. And it was his shrewd political acumen than unleashed Sarah Palin onto the national stage.

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So some foiled plot that frankly doesn't add up if you listen to Iran experts is an "act of war", yet how many illegal assasinations and attempts (not just plots) have the administations conducted? I'm sure no one here remembers the Gadafi assassination attempt where his grandkids were killed, because it "conveniently" happened right before the Bin Laden capture.


Pretty obvious that just like terrorism, cyberhackers, this is all just a way to beat the war drum and convince the masses that something must be done, when they already have had them marginalized through sanctions and international pressure. If anyone still thinks we're over there to "liberate" or make ourselves safer, you're not paying attention.


I'm getting pretty sick and tired of them advancing their agenda by risking my good friends' blood. Hope and change my ass!

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I don't really care what McCain thinks - his crowning military achievement was getting shot down and captured. And it was his shrewd political acumen than unleashed Sarah Palin onto the national stage.


In McCain's defense, I think that was dictated by the party, not neccesarily McCain. He had to make a lot of deals and flip flops to get the backing of the GOP for that run at the brass ring.

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In McCain's defense, I think that was dictated by the party, not neccesarily McCain. He had to make a lot of deals and flip flops to get the backing of the GOP for that run at the brass ring.


McCain sold out. Too bad he wasn't smart enough to not draw the line at Sarah Palin.

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