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Deer Takes Down Hunter


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fwiw, baiting is illegal (always? usually? almost always? that part I am not sure of..) and often prosecuted severely.

It is illegal but that hardly matters when people do it anyway. Some guy right here in MN bagged the biggest black bear ever quite recently and happily told everyone he'd provided bait to draw it in. I reiterate yet again, the term "hunting" is misused.

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I don't think it's always legal anywhere, because I know specifically there are federal laws against it, at least in many forms.

Actually, assuming this list is accurate (which I assume it is, with it being a salt lick company and them having the update for the Southern zone of GA), it's legal in many more states than I thought, particularly on private property.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like it's a states choice matter...


My wife's uncle married into a family in Valdosta that apparently owns one of the largest chunks of land east of the Mississippi. We're supposed to all meet down there for a boar hunt some time. Again, I really just want a huge chunk of wild pig to cook.

Small world. My family's land is about 15 miles north of Valdosta... Thankfully we don't (yet) have a hog problem up there, or I'll start having to carry my pistol in case I walk up on one. Those suckers will tear you apart, especially if it's a mama with babies close.


But my cousin used to go hog hunting with dogs, where I believe you still "hog-tie" them and everything, or something crazy like that... Now that takes some dedication, skill, and frankly a big set of kahunas...

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It is illegal but that hardly matters when people do it anyway. Some guy right here in MN bagged the biggest black bear ever quite recently and happily told everyone he'd provided bait to draw it in. I reiterate yet again, the term "hunting" is misused.

Just because some people in life will take the easy way out of anything, does not represent the plenty of people who do it the right way. You can easily kill a deer by spotlighting too, but that doesn't make it right.. That's like saying that just because Sosa corked his bat, he wasn't playing "baseball". It doesn't follow, and doesn't represent the ones who do it the right and legal way....


But I'll stop, because it's clear that you don't understand what all it takes to hunt successfully and manage deer the right way, like real hunters do... You can call it whatever you want, but I don't know why you feel the need to knock the practice down, as if it's even on the same level of how easily the rest of our food comes. Compared to that, it is worlds more challenging and fullfilling, so why the need to discount it?

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My wife's uncle married into a family in Valdosta that apparently owns one of the largest chunks of land east of the Mississippi. We're supposed to all meet down there for a boar hunt some time. Again, I really just want a huge chunk of wild pig to cook.


Next time in So. GA I'll be sure to catch some suckling boar and send them to you live. I'll also send you the corpse of their mama.

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Just because some people in life will take the easy way out of anything, does not represent the plenty of people who do it the right way. You can easily kill a deer by spotlighting too, but that doesn't make it right.. That's like saying that just because Sosa corked his bat, he wasn't playing "baseball". It doesn't follow, and doesn't represent the ones who do it the right and legal way....


But I'll stop, because it's clear that you don't understand what all it takes to hunt successfully and manage deer the right way, like real hunters do... You can call it whatever you want, but I don't know why you feel the need to knock the practice down, as if it's even on the same level of how easily the rest of our food comes. Compared to that, it is worlds more challenging and fullfilling, so why the need to discount it?

I don't know if you're deliberately missing the point or what, but at no stage have I denied your right to go out and do what you want. Knock yourself out, it's legal. All I have said is that in my opinion, driving up to a stand, baiting the ground, sitting / waiting and then shooting from what amounts to point blank range isn't my idea of "hunting", since little or no effort is expended to do it. It's shooting, is all.


It's much the same as those idiots that call hot-dog eating champions or chess champions "athletes".

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I don't know if you're deliberately missing the point or what, but at no stage have I denied your right to go out and do what you want. Knock yourself out, it's legal. All I have said is that in my opinion, driving up to a stand, baiting the ground, sitting / waiting and then shooting from what amounts to point blank range isn't my idea of "hunting", since little or no effort is expended to do it. It's shooting, is all.


It's much the same as those idiots that call hot-dog eating champions or chess champions "athletes".

No, I get the point, just not your reasoning.


For some reason you've gone out of your way to not distinguish between the people who take a lot of pride and effort in what they do, doing far more than just bait and shoot, and just characterize anyone who hunts as a "shooter" and "killer", when they are in fact harvesting, and even in a many cases going back to more primitive weapons/means to make more of a sport out of it (in addition to yes, harvesting)... I think you're greatly exagerating how many bait illegally to get them in easy point-blank range, because that has not been anywhere close to my experience (other than Texas, but I challenge anyone to hunt most places there without bait or scoping with trucks. It's almost impossible.).


I just don't see why you feel the need to reduce it to shooting and killing. You're either unable or unwilling to distinguish between the ones who do it the right way, and those who take the easy way out, and just lump everyone in as unskilled killers... I don't think you want to take away my right to hunt, but you sure seem hell-bent in taking every bit of dignity away from it, and reducing it to murder... I mean, how could I be offended by such a gross simplification of something I take a lot of pride in, while others truly take the easy way out and go to the store for their meat (not that there's anything wrong with either, but if you're going to reduce what we're doing...).


If what we're doing is just shooting, then by going to the store, doesn't that mean you're contributing to genocide. Is that fair? No, well then maybe don't try to reduce people living off the land to killers and shooters.

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I don't know if you're deliberately missing the point or what, but at no stage have I denied your right to go out and do what you want. Knock yourself out, it's legal. All I have said is that in my opinion, driving up to a stand, baiting the ground, sitting / waiting and then shooting from what amounts to point blank range isn't my idea of "hunting", since little or no effort is expended to do it. It's shooting, is all.


It's much the same as those idiots that call hot-dog eating champions or chess champions "athletes".

When Police tell criminals that they have won a free flat panel TV and then arrest these people when they come to claim the prize would not be considered law enforcement? :wacko:

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For some reason you've gone out of your way to not distinguish between the people who take a lot of pride and effort in what they do, doing far more than just bait and shoot, and just characterize anyone who hunts as a "shooter" and "killer", when they are in fact harvesting, and even in a many cases going back to more primitive weapons/means to make more of a sport out of it (in addition to yes, harvesting)

But that is exactly what I have been doing throughout - differentiating between hunters and shooters. The guy who stalks through the woods following trail - he's a hunter. Lardbelly farting in his tree, not so much.


I just don't see why you feel the need to reduce it to shooting and killing. You're either unable or unwilling to distinguish between the ones who do it the right way, and those who take the easy way out, and just lump everyone in as unskilled killers... I don't think you want to take away my right to hunt, but you sure seem hell-bent in taking every bit of dignity away from it, and reducing it to murder... I mean, how could I be offended by such a gross simplification of something I take a lot of pride in, while others truly take the easy way out and go to the store for their meat (not that there's anything wrong with either, but if you're going to reduce what we're doing...).


If what we're doing is just shooting, then by going to the store, doesn't that mean you're contributing to genocide. Is that fair? No, well then maybe don't try to reduce people living off the land to killers and shooters.

Again, I've done nothing but differentiate between the legal and the illegal, the ones who put the effort in and the ones that don't, the skilled and the unskilled. Have I struck a sore point?


And yes, I go to the store and I completely accept the barbs you throw my way because of it. I try to always buy organic and free-range, FWIW, but I'm well aware of the reality behind the label.


One last thing - unless you're a farmer, the Unabomber or a Special Forces maven, you're not living off the land. You are obtaining your own food when you "harvest", though.

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But that is exactly what I have been doing throughout - differentiating between hunters and shooters. The guy who stalks through the woods following trail - he's a hunter. Lardbelly farting in his tree, not so much.

My apologies, I guess I misunderstood it as knocking all hunters, as if it's not worthy of the term in itself. We actually do agree somewhat then (there's still more to it than sitting in a tree), but I've witnessed it first-hand even as far as some rich dickheads that would "hunt" in a stocked penned area, and in some cases even able to buy the particular buck they're going to shoot. It was disgraceful, especially going back to restage a few of those like it was a legitimate hunt (wow, now I definitely can't tell you guys who I worked for). In that case it was "entertainment" for television, disgraceful enough, but those places don't exist for TV shows...


I guess we agree more than I thought. I just wanted to distinguish that stuff from the way the vast majority of responsible folks do it the right way, even passing on deer too young and actively targeting does out of necessity, like this fellow was out to do..


(FYI: Stalking deer only works in some areas like out west, but yes does require a very good shot and skilled hunter. That is nearly impossible in the thickly wooded South, along with deer that have grown up more cautious because of the more populated areas where they habitate).

Edited by delusions of granduer
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