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Flex Help - Pick one out of 3


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I guess I'd go with Vereen. Buffalo has a good run D and I need to see more of Beckham and the Giant offense in general before I fully trust him. At least Vereen should see a few more touches with Ridley out, although it will be interesting to see how that Pats RB committee plays out. I have Vereen as well and plan on starting him but I'm also a little nervous lol.

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I would start McKinnon, Beckham Jr and Vereen still have to prove themselves. The next couple weeks will tell you how they fit in to their new roles. But, McKinnon is the safe play for right now in my opinion.



Not worried about Bills run DEF at home? Overall I do like McKinnon, just a little hesitant about the matchup.

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and just to make this thread totally confusing, I'd go with ODB. arkarg is right that Buffalo's run D is good, but although they have let some RB's gash them, the Jets run D can be tough too. you can't really trust any of belichik's RB's to get good numbers and mckinnon is going to get his TD's vultured by asiata. ODB has a lot of upside with cruz out

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Not worried about Bills run DEF at home? Overall I do like McKinnon, just a little hesitant about the matchup.



You bring up a valid point. However, can you really trust Eli Manning and the Giants? Or can you trust BB and his use of the Patriot RBs? The other posters also bring up valid arguments though. You have a tough decision.

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