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Drop Patterson for Shorts III? Tough Choice...


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My team and league rules are in signature. It would kill me to drop him because of how he finished last year and how much potential he has, but it just doesn't seem to come together. Shorts is a target monster that has the potential to put up Garcon numbers from last year and JAX will always be playing from behind. I just worry that the second I drop him he will go off... Please give your choice and reasoning behind it. Thanks!

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I'm on a phone so I cant see your team, but personally I would have a hard time dropping him. Draft position doesn't matter so much to me when dropping a player isn't producing, but talent is a whole different ball game, and he has loads of it. Case and point, I dropped Gerhart last week, but I've been greedily hanging onto Carlos Hyde, and am rolling one qb to still have roster flexibility. Maybe it's not smart, but that's the way I am. In a ten team league, I'd rather have a backup rb who's really good but I'll probably never start, than a mediocre qb2 who I'll probably only start once

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