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DeAndre Hokpkins + Hyde for Lacy?


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This is in a contract keeper league (6 contract years assigned at end of season).


Current roster:

QB: Cam Newton/Kap

WR: Megatron/Bow/John Brown/Garcon/Jennings/Cruz

RB: AP/Bush/Bell/Lacy/Vereen/Starks

TE: Witten/Cameron


Currently have: 2 x 1st RD, 2 x 2nd RD, 2 x 4th RD draft picks


Not looking to do any damage this year, just setting up the team for next year.


Any advice on the hopkins/hyde for lacy trade?




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What do you mean by contract years? Like you could keep cam for 4 years and another player for 2 or if you want 6 players for one year? Sounds like a mix of dynasty and keeper I like it. Or is it just simply six players you keep next year?


I would look to trade ap/bush and witten as the above said all these players are getting old and might as we'll sell on them while you can. Witten may have no value at all next year, Reggie who knows with him and only getting older. AP is great to pick around but won't be around long and probably hold a lot of value however your keepers work


Also I you keep 6 players, I would try and get rid of those 4th rd picks for first or second. With so many players off the board those later rounds won't hold a lot of value.

Edited by Blasto95
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Im hoping its leveon Bell. If it is i think you should be able to afford giving up lacy for a #1 WR in Hou next year and future starting RB in hyde. A. Johnson is out of houston next year and Gore is past his prime and should be taking a back seat to hyde pretty soon. That is just my prediction and im not a fortune teller.

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Yea, its a mix between dyansty and keeper. So the contract years are like a salary cap, I have 6 to assign at will (4 to one 2 to another or 6 players @ 1yr each).


Joique Bell is the other RB. I hate to give up lacy, but considering theres 3 wr slots, I should pickup one more #1 WR... AP would hold decent value for next year... but that may be it.

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