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LLD2 Rules


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Live and Let Dy (LLD) Rulebook (2019)

1. League

1.1 League Size
The Live and Let Dy (LLD) Dynasty League will consist of 14 franchises with each owner maintaining the same team each year. No owner will be allowed to have more than one team in the league.

1.2 League Sites
The league will be maintained through the site My Fantasy League (MFL) - http://www.myfantasyleague.com. Each season the MFL league fee will be paid from the league fees collected from LeagueSafe. If possible, this league fee should be paid prior to June 9th, which is typically the cutoff date to save $20.00, although this discount and due date are subject to change every season. If a discount is received, the current 2012 MFL fee is $69.95 and can be paid directly from LeagueSafe if the proper funds have already been collected. If not, then the MFL fee can be paid by credit card, PayPal or by check via snail mail.

The LLD league forum (message board) will be located at The Huddle forums at http://forums.thehuddle.com/forum/253-live-and-let-dy-2/

LeagueSafe - http://www.leaguesafe.com will be used to secure and pay out all league funds with the exception of those owners who cannot use the site. These exceptions include owners who do not have a U.S. bank account. Separate payment plans via PayPal or Money Orders paid to the commissioner or treasurer will be made. In the event that any of the team owners wins prizes and is not using LeagueSafe, then the owed winnings will be paid out to the commissioner from LeagueSafe. Afterwards, the commissioner will make arrangements with the winning owners to pay them from the winnings collected from LeagueSafe through other means such as PayPal or a mailed money order.

1.3 League Calendar

March - Contract rollover: Each player's contract is reduced by one year. (This will be done when the new year MFL site opens each season).  Trading opens for all teams once the new year site has opened.

March 1st - Deadline to declare whether owners are returning for the new season. Failure to declare one way or the other will prompt for a new replacement to be sought. League activities will be put on-hold and postponed until a new replacement owner is found.

March  Teams receives their their $50 Bond Buck (league money) allocation.

March - 3 BB's are awarded to each of the 2 previous season division winners.

March 28th - Franchise tags must be posted in the league forum by 10 PM ET on March 28th

March 28th  Franchise players will be posted and be put up for bid 1 player at a time.  Blind Bids for Franchise Tagged players to submitted to LLDblindbid@gmail.com at deadline listed for each player with deadline to accept franchise bids to be posted for each player.  Players will be posted every day for bidding and owners of players will get 24 hours to accept a deal on their player.

April 1st - 5 days of Free agency begins (only FA period prior to NFL Draft). The last new free agency auction that can be started is on April 5th @ 11:59 PM ET.

March 31st - Deadline to drop players with 1 year contract without penalty. (March 31st 11:59 PM ET)

March 31st - Deadline to get a year back on a players contract who sat out the entire previous season for any reason except injury. (March 31st 11:59 PM ET)

March 31st - League fees are due.

April – RFA will begin either on April 1st or the day after all the franchise players are completed whichever is later with a minimum of at least 14 days of RFA if needed with run concurrently with the last of the franchise player bidding to meet 14 days minimum requirement.  The exact day RFA will start will be posted in the forum once known for that year.  Any new RFA auction thread must be posted in the forum by the last Saturday before the NFL Draft begins. April 19th 11:59 PM ET.

Sunday before the NFL Draft - End of Restricted Free Agency (RFA) Period @ 12:00 AM ET

May 17th - Rookie Draft begins 3 weeks after the NFL Draft on a Friday @ 6:00 PM ET.

June 1 - Free Agency (FA) opens and lasts until Week 17, Saturday @ 11:59 PM ET

Labor Day Monday before 1st game - Final Roster cut down @ 11:59 PM ET (Maximums: 20 active, 3 IR, 10 DTS)

November 23rd – Trade deadline is Saturday, Week 12 @ 11:59 PM ET.

Week 17, Saturday Week 17, Saturday @ 11:59 PM EST, the deadline for submitting new bids for free agents.


1.4 Conferences and Divisions
The LLD Dynasty League will consist of 1 Conference, containing two (2) Divisions. Each Division will consist of seven (7) teams.

1.5 League Duties

1.5.1 The League Commissioner  Henry Muto
The Commissioner is responsible for conducting league business, arbitrating league disputes, and the running of all drafts. The League Commissioner will be required to be completely MFL conversant prior to each season starting, must setup MFL andn pay for MFL league fees from LeagueSafe fees collected. The League Commissioner will ensure that the Assistant Commissioner has the current MFL site password.

1.5.2 The Assistant League Commissioner  LordOpie
The Assistant Commissioner is responsible for communicating league concerns and business to the Commissioner and intervening in transactions that involve the league Commissioner. If either the Commissioner or the Roster Management Commissioner is out of contact for any length of time, the Assistant Commissioner will attend to their duties in their absence. As a result, the Assistant Commissioner is also required to be conversant with MFL. The Assistant Commissioner is directly responsible to the League Commissioner.

1.5.3 Treasurer  Henry Muto
The Treasurer will set up and maintain the league PayPal account (or LeagueSafe if we go that route), receive and record all league fees, and be responsible for league pay outs. The Treasurer is directly responsible to the League Commissioner.

1.5.4 Roster Management Commissioner  Henry Muto
The Roster Management Commissioner (RMC) will maintain a list of all teams and their available league money in the form of LLD Pounds (LLD $) that are posted in the LLD forum. The RMC will handle all transactions (waivers and trades). The RMC will be responsible for ensuring that neither waiver bids nor trades violate roster or LLD $ limits. The RMS will also track player contracts and ensure that all rosters stay at or below the contract cap after any transactions. As a result, the RMC is required to be conversant with the MFL Software in order to maintain the proper areas of the MFL League Site. The RMC is directly responsible to the Assistant League Commissioner and ultimately to the League Commissioner.

1.5.5 Roster Management Assistant Commissioner - LordOpie
The Roster Management Assistant Commissioner (RMAC) will assist in handling all of the same duties as the RMC. The RMAC is directly responsible to the RMC and ultimately to the League Commissioner.

1.6 League Rules

1.6.1 Rule Changes
League Rules will be reviewed annually during the off-season. Major rule changes can only be made through a league-wide vote requiring at least 62.5% yes votes for passage with the votes from DAD, YODT and LLD being combined as all 3 leagues share the same rules. In-season votes, though discouraged, require at least 75% yes votes to pass (only to be used in extreme situations).
Votes will normally be conducted at the DAD, YODT and LLD forum sites located at TheHuddle.com. Off-season votes are due within 10 days of posting at the forum. In-season votes are due within 48 hours of the time posted at the forum.

1.6.2 Commissioner Rulings
Any decision made by The League Commissioner will be posted on the message board immediately and may be brought to a vote if two or more owners request a league wide vote. Nine votes will be required to overturn a Commissioner ruling.

1.7 League Costs / Payments

1.7.1 League Costs
The cost of a LLD franchise will be $55. Out of the $50 amount, $700 goes towards league prizes and $5 goes towards the MFL annual fee.

League total payouts - $700
MFL fee - $70

Note: The MFL fee is subject to change every season. If a MFL cost increase occurs, then the treasurer will post this information in the forum and a vote will be made whether to increase the league fee to cover the MFL costs or to change the prize distribution. If a majority vote is not reached in 7 days of the post, then the treasurer and/or the commissioner will make an executive decision to change the prize distribution at their discretion as necessary in order to ensure that the MFL fee is covered from the league fees.

The official league payment method will be acceppted through LeagueSafe.com. Each season the treasurer will setup LeagueSafe and invite each owner. All that is required to use LeagueSafe is a U.S. bank account. If a team owner does not have a U.S. bank account, then payment arrangemetns should be made with the team owner should contact the treasurer and setup payment arrangements via Pay Pal, Money Order, or Check. Those using MO's or Checks must remit their payment to the League Treasurer 10 days prior the payment deadline to allow for clearance. The payment deadline each year will be midnight Eastern Time on March 1st. Non-payment within seven days will result in the owner being replaced.

1.7.2 League Payouts
Pay out will be 100% of franchise fees. All payouts will occur within seven days of the Week 17 Super Bowl unless the owner cannot be paid out from LeagueSafe and other payment arrangments must be made that require more than 7 days. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams will be rewarded in addition to Week 1-14’s high scorers. Payments may be rounded to the nearest $1 where appropriate.

The current payouts of the franchise fees will be the following: (14 teams x $55)

  • Champion - $320.00 USD
  • 2nd Place - $165.00 USD (Extra $5 for 2024 only)
  • 3rd Place - $85.00 USD (Extra $5 for 2024 only)
  • Weekly Skins (14 x $10.00) - $140.00 USD
  • League Cost: My Fantasy League (MFL) fee: $70.00 USD
  • Total $770.00 USD

1.7.3 Weekly Skins
Every week, the league's high scorer will be awarded $10 to be claimed at the end of the season from the league treasurer, or used as credit towards the following season's entry fee. The weekly skins award does not apply to playoff weeks.

2 Franchise Ownership

2.1 General
An owner may not own more than one franchise. Owners can name their franchise whatever they choose; however no owner may use language considered obscene, offensive, or insensitive. The League Commissioner will have the final say on what is allowed and what is not. Owners are encouraged to name their franchise using the James Bond theme under which the league has been created.

2.2 Cost
The cost of an LLD franchise will be $50 + $5 for MFL Fees + any relevant payment fees (i.e. PayPal). The official league payment method will be one of three ways: Pay Pal, Money Order, or Check. Those using MO's or Checks must remit their payment to the League Treasurer 10 days prior the payment deadline to allow for clearance.  The payment deadline each year will be 11:59 PM EDT March 1st.

Absent extreme circumstances, such as a medical emergency, no refunds of league fees will be given out. Paying league fees implies a commitment to run the team for the full season. LeagueSafe does not permit money to be paid out until the end of the season, so if an owner needs their money back under an extreme circumstance, the owner will need to request their money from LeagueSafe. The League Commissioner may assist, but is not responsible if the money is not paid back prior to the end of the season.

2.3 Owner Replacement

If an owner chooses to leave the league or doesn’t submit a lineup for two consecutive weeks during the season, or isn’t heard from during the RFA signing period, a replacement owner will be sought. Replacements will first be recruited from persons known from The Huddle or well-known by current owners who can vouch for the replacement.  The commissioner and fellow league members will work together if needed to decide on new owners.

Owners conducting themselves in a way perceived to be detrimental to the good of the league may be removed by a vote of nine (9) owners. Determinantal behavior to the league examples include a repeated pattern (2 or more instances) of abusive behavior to any league members which includes private e-mails or public message board posts directed at a league member that may be considered obscene, threatening and/or insulting , non-participation when required by the league, incomplete lineups or lineups with players who are injured or not playing that week and collusion.

In the event that multiple teams are abandoned, the topic will be discussed and decided on the league’s Huddle forum. The Commissioner has final say in any discrepancies that arise regarding the search for replacement owners.

The League Commissioner may remove owners from the league at any time without the consent of the league for the following reasons.

Owners who do not pay their league fees within 7 days of the due date.

Owners who fail to submit a lineup for 3 consecutive weeks.

Owners who do not cut down their rosters within 48 hours of the first NFL game of the season.

Owners who are AWOL after 5 days during any draft.

3 Franchise Management

3.1 Bond Bucks (BB)
Bond Bucks are the official currency of the LLD Dynasty League. Bond Bucks are used to bid on Free Agents (FA's) and Restricted Free Agents (RFA's) and may also be used in trade situations. Bond Bucks not used during the season are carried over to the following season.Each team will be awarded 50 $DAD's when the new season opens.  Each division winner will be awarded three (3) additional BB's when BB's are credited the following March. BB balances will be maintained on the LLD forum, and excess BB's at the end of each season are carried over to the next season. 

At the beginning of our first season, all franchises will be awarded 50 BB's.

3.2 Rosters

3.2.1 In-Season
Each franchise will maintain an in-season active roster with a maximum of 20 players (Not including DTS or IR). It is the owner’s decision on how many players to carry at each position.

3.2.2 Off-Season
During the off-season (day after the fantasy Super Bowl, there will be no roster size limitation until the first Monday prior to the first game of the NFL, in which final rosters must be declared.

3.2.3 Final Roster Declaration
The final cut down date will be Labor day the Monday before the first NFL regular season game at 11:59 PM EDT. Each team must designate a max 20 active players, 10 DTS players and up to 3 IR players. On, or prior, to final cut down day, each owner must post a message in the league forum listing his roster, which will include all active players, DTS players, and IR players (if any). Each owner must also indicate contract years for each player on their roster excluding taxi squad players. If a team does not meet this deadline, a penalty of one (1) BB will be imposed. If final cuts aren’t made within 24 hours of the first NFL game of the new season, a new owner may be sought.

3.3 Developmental Taxi Squad (DTS)

3.3.1 Limits
Each franchise will be allocated a Developmental Taxi Squad (DTS) containing up to 10 players.  Players on a team's DTS in a prior year, along with any rookie additions, may be placed on the DTS. A player may remain on the DTS for a maximum of 4 years. The deadline for announcing DTS players will be in accordance with rule 3.2.3 final roster declaration. Any player on an active roster after the final roster declaration is no longer eligible to be placed on any team's DTS. For the first season, any player with less than three years NFL experience may be placed on the DTS. This exemption does not allow players to stay on the DTS past their third year of NFL duty.

Starting in 2024 A player may remain on the DTS for a maximum of 4 years

3.3.2 Activation
Players on the DTS are not eligible to start a game until they are moved onto the active roster. During the season players may be moved from the DTS to the active roster. The Roster Management Commissioner must be notified if a DTS player is to be put onto an active roster and the contract years assigned by posting on the message board. Players that are moved from the DTS to an active roster must immediately be given a contract and are now available to be in the weekly line-up. DTS players that are accidentally submitted into a starting line-up will be removed and that team will get 0 points from that position.  If at end of season a DTS player was moved to the roster during the season and the owner never declared a contract this player will be given a contract of 0 and be a RFA the next season.

3.3.3 Miscellaneous
DTS players do not participate in RFA. FA’s may be placed directly onto the DTS providing they are in their rookie year and have never been on any LLD Active Roster. Traded players may be put onto the DTS only if they were on the other teams DTS before the trade. The DTS concludes at the end of the playoffs. Once a player has reached their limit of being on the DTS, the owner must add them back to their roster before the final roster deadline before the season starts that will make them ineligible for DTS or that player will dropped from any team's roster by the Commissioner.

3.4 Contracts

3.4.1 Contract Cap
Each franchise has a contract cap of 50 years which cannot be exceeded (Exception being empty roster spots under rule 3.4.4). A player contract is the number of years that the player can remain on your roster without becoming a free agent. The deadline for announcing the length of new player contracts will be the same as the final roster declaration (as specified in 3.2.3). No team will be permitted to make any transaction that places them over the contract cap.

3.4.2 Dead Contract Years
Players dropped during the year will continue to count one (1) year against the owner's contract cap unless they are acquired by another team. Any player dropped with 3 or more years remaining on his contract will also count one year against the owner's contract cap for the following season, regardless of whether or not they are picked up by another team. Dead contracts will be tracked on the MFL main page by the Roster Management Commissioner (RMC). Contract year penalties for the next season will be tracked in the LLD forum in a pinned thread by the RMC.

3.4.3 Annual Adjustments
Contract years conclude after the NFL Super Bowl concludes and when MFL officially makes the change on the new site which is usually sometime in the month of February. All players who had only one (1) year remaining on their contracts in the previous season and now have zero (0) years and become restricted free agents. All players who have multiple contract years remaining will be reduced by one (1) contract year. After MFL makes the change on the new site, all teams recover any dead years encumbered by players waived during the year.

3.4.4 Miscellaneous
Free agents acquired during the season must either be assigned to a contract or placed on the taxi squad within 48 hours of winning the auction bid. If there are less than 48 hours before the acquired player's NFL game, then the new contract must be assigned prior to the NFL game kickoff; otherwise, the free agent will not be placed on the roster and cannot be started unless the player acquired has an assigned contract. Owners may assign a contract by posting in the same Free Agent forum thread the contract length.

3.5 Injured Reserve

3.5.1 Limits
Each team has a maximum of three (3) Injured Reserve (IR) slots. A player can only be IR'd if he has a valid contract.  Once a player is placed on IR, the player will remain on on IR for the duration of the season unless they are re-activated by their NFL team.  Once a player is placed on IR, the club can pick up another player but they must go through the Free Agent channel as with any other pick up. Any player picked up in free agency that is already on IR is not eligible to be placed on IR. That player must remain on your active roster.

3.5.2 Dropping IR Players
Any player dropped from IR falls under waiver rules at the point he is dropped. If an IR player is dropped to the waiver wire, seven (7) days of the drop must pass, before the player is eligible to be reacquired by the dropping owner.

3.5.3 Eligibility
A player qualifies for the IR by being placed on the IR officially by My Fantasy League (MFL) . If for some reason a player has been placed on IR by the NFL and not MFL, then those cases will be reviewed on an individual basis, but the default rule is to go with the MFL site.

3.5.4 Contract Implications
When placed on IR, the player's current contract year, which is always one (1) year is credited to the team and all future contract years will continue to count against the franchise's contract ceiling. A -1 Dead Year will be added to the team's contracts in MFL by the RMC and/or RMAC. After the February roll over deadline which reduces contracts years for all active roster players, all players on IR will become part of the regular/active roster. Because the contract year was credited to the team when that player was placed on IR, there will be no contract credit given during the February  contract roll over.

3.6 Franchise Tags
The purpose of the Franchise tag is so that a team may retain one (1) player whose contract has expired. Players that have the franchise tag placed on them can still be obtained by other teams via trades, but the same franchise tag remains, although years can be added to the contract through a trade only by paying 15 BB's per year added. In addition, franchised tag players can be acquired through a Franchise Tag blind bidding process, in which owners of Franchise Players can decide on what compensation package (by the bid) that they want to receive if they decide to let a franchised player walk. The cost of the tag is all the team will have to put forward to keep their franchised player unless they want to let him go for compensation.

3.6.1 Franchise Tag Limits
Each year an owner may designate one (1) player whose contract has expired to be their Franchise Player. Players can only be tagged for two (2) consecutive years, no matter if they change teams. The deadline for assigning the Franchise Tag to one of the players on your franchise is on the specified day in March for that year and must be posted in the LLD forum. The Franchise Tag is a designation that only has relevance during the RFA Period in April and to indicate if a player is eligible to receive the Franchise Tag again.

3.6.2 Franchise Tag Cost
The cost to franchise a player for the first year is $15 BB's. The cost to franchise that same player for the second year is $20 BB;s. These costs are not refundable.

3.6.3 Bidding on a Franchise Player
Each of the other 13 owners can submit a blind bid offer to attempt to acquire a franchise player from his owner. Blind Bids on franchise players are only for the franchise player and cannot include other players that the current franchise player team has. Each player will be put up for bid 1 at a time giving teams approx 24 hours to bid on them.  Anyone who wants to place 1 bid on that player will make a blind bid.  Team owner of the blind bid player will 1 day to accept 1 of the bids.  A new player is put up for bid at this time.  Anyone who wants to place 1 bid on that player will make a blind bid.  So on and so forth until all players are done.  The bidding will end every day at 10 PM ET.  When placing a bid a you have the option to make a contingency bid.  Example (If I win Player X my bid is for player Y, If I lose Player X my bid is for player Y)

You place a bid by sending an email to LLDblindbid@gmail.com.  If you send multiple offers only the last offer will be used.

None of the franchise players can be used as part of a blind bid to bid on another franchise player.

All assets that are traded for a franchise player can not be re-used for any of the other franchise players.

3.6.4 Reviewing and Processing Bids for Franchise Players

Team owner of the blind bid player will have 1 day to accept 1 of the bids ending at 10 PM ET of the selected day.  If an owner does not respond by this deadline, that is considered a choice to keep the franchise player by default. Once the blind bids are posted, Franchise Players will not be able to be traded until the owner decides to keep the player or let him go for the compensation package of one of the blind bids. The owner of the franchised player then has two options:

If the owner decides to keep their Franchise Player, they keep them at no additional cost then what the Franchise Tag cost was and they will automatically be given a 1 year contract.

If a team decides it is willing to let its Franchise Player go for compensation, they must post their intentions in the Commissioners LLD forum thread with the accepted Blind Bid and state which team they are going to let their Franchise Player go to and in turn accept that teams compensation package. The winning team will then be able to assign the Franchise Player any length contract they desire (contracts will be assigned according to "rule number for contract deadlines". When a team lets their Franchise Player go they will immediately receive the $LLD portion of that bid (if there was a $LLD bid) and will be assigned the appropriate draft picks and/or players from the team that is acquiring the Franchise Player.


3.6.5 Dropping a Franchise Player
There is no penalty to the owner for dropping a franchise player. A dropped franchise player is still considered a franchise player, meaning that the player can still only be tagged no more than two years in a row.

4 Roster Moves

4.1 Free Agency

4.1.1 Eligibility
Any player not on a LLD Dynasty League roster or Developmental Taxi Squad is considered a Free Agent.

4.1.2 Schedule
Free Agency means that bids can be made for free agents. There are two (2) Free agency (FA) periods. The first FA period begins on March 27th at 12:00 AM EST and lasts for 5 days, thus ending on March 31st at 11:59 PM EST. The second FA period begins on June 1st. The deadline for submitting new bids for free agents is 11:59 PM EDT on the Saturday before week 17.  No rookies can be bid on until the rookie draft is completed.  If any rookies are bid on before the rookie draft is completed the bids will be cancelled.

4.1.3 FA Bid Process
The FA weekly process will be conducted in an open bidding manner. LLD Bond Bucks are used to bid on free agents. The minimum FA bid is one (1) BB. Teams may only bid up to the amount of BB's that they have available. A bid placed by an owner that exceeds his/her BB balance will be nullified and the FA bid process will go back to the previous high bidder and time stamp. In the case there is no previous bid the thread will be closed. Bids must be in whole number increments.


Bids for free agents must be submitted via the Ages forum. If a thread does not already exist for the desired player, the owner will create a new thread for that player. The thread title should be in one of the preferred following formats


FA Bid - Randy Moss NE WR or FA Bid - Moss, Randy NE WR

FA19 Bid -  Randy Moss NE WR or FA Bid - Moss, Randy NE WR

LLD FA Bid - Randy Moss NE WR or LLD FA Bid - Moss, Randy NE WR


A bid amount in BB's must be posted in the body of the thread.




The auction for that player will be declared over once the inactivity threshold for that thread has been reached. The inactivity threshold during the offseason is 24 hours, and the inactivity threshold during the season is 24 hours. This inactivity threshold is from the timestamp of the last bid and does NOT require the RMC or RMAC to validate it. Each owner has the ability to make a higher bid on any player being bid on prior to this threshold, as long as they have the available BB$ to make a valid bid.  For the purposes of timing on processing bids for applying contracts, the regular season officially begins on Labor Day.

4.1.4 Winning a bid

Once the inactivity threshold on an auction thread for a player is met, the owner with the highest bid has the rights to that player. During the off-season, that player will be immediately moved to the roster.
In-Season - If the acquired player is a rookie the player will be placed on the team's DTS by default if there is less than 10 players currently on the DTS.
Free agents acquired during the regular season must either be assigned to a contract or placed on the taxi squad within 48 hours of the auction closing and the owner must also indicate which player (if any) is being dropped to make room on the roster. If the player has a game within 48 hours the owner must sign him before the game begins in order to have him eligible to play in that game, otherwise the free agent will not be placed on the roster and cannot be started unless the player acquired has an assigned contract. Owners may assign a contract by posting in the same Free Agent forum thread the contract length.
If no contract is assigned prior to the 48 hour deadline the following will occur.
There will be a 1 BB penalty immediately.

If the player is not a rookie or the DTS is full the team will pay an additional 1 BB penalty every 24 hours until room is made on the DTS or the player is assigned a contract and room is made on the active roster for the newly won player.

If the owner runs out of BB money and cannot pay the penalty, a negative balance will remain and the debt will be paid out once the owner's league account has the necessary funds.

There is no option for the owner to not accept the player won. The only time this option would ever be considered by the commissioner or league is if the owner had to be replaced.


4.1.5 Regular Season Timing of Free Agent Acquisitions
The deadline by which a free agent can be added to an owner's roster prior to that weekend's NFL games is up until kickoff of the player's NFL game kickoff. To meet this deadline, the auction for that player must be closed, the player must have a contract length posted in the forum and assigned, and a player must be dropped from the owner's roster to avoid violating roster limits (if necessary). The RMC and RMAC will add the player to the owner's roster once these conditions are met. If the team owner has posted everything correctly in time, and the RMC and RMAC will not have time to add the player to the roster, the owner must post their intention to play that newly acquired player in the forum before kickoff of that player's game.  The newly acquired player will be added as soon as the League Commissioner as able and the scores will be manually adjusted if needed by the League Commissioner.


4.1.6 Overbidding
Owners who place bids must have enough BB's available to cover all outstanding high bids. If an owner overbids their budget at any time, that bid will be removed from the board. The time stamp on the bid remains the previous bid for raising the bid purposes.  The overbidding owner can no longer bid for said player. (This exclusion will remain even if overbidding owner makes a trade for more BB's.) All other bids placed by the offending owner will remain in effect. Anyone overbidding their BB balance will be penalized 5 BB's or receive 5 BB less in BB's per infraction when BB's are given out under rule 3.1.  If multiple infractions are made all bids that were made while over their budget before the $5 BB penalty will be removed.  If they have current bids on the board that leave them without proper funds should a team not match a player then they will go into negative balance for legal bids before going over budget caused by the $5 BB penalty.

4.2 Waivers

4.2.1 Contracts for Waived Players
When a player is put on waivers, only his current contract year is counted against a franchise's contract ceiling. A team can only get relief for a contract after he is assigned a new contract by any team. All future contract years for players that are waived are then credited to the team.  The current owner of the dead year for a player can be recovered as soon as the player is bid on if requested.

4.2.2 Reclaiming Waived Players
If a franchise waives a player and wishes to reclaim that player, the player in question must clear waivers after one week. (The releasing team cannot place a bid on the waived player until 7 days have passed.) If the owner is successful in reclaiming their player, they can place a new contract on the player and any cap hit for that same player for this year is removed (but a future year cap hit still stands).

4.2.3 Dead Contracts
Players who are waived and not signed by any other team during the year will each count as one year against the waiving team's contract ceiling until end of season. This 'cap hit' includes players waived during the off-season - even if the player retires or is physically unable to perform. Teams have until midnight Eastern on the Monday following the NFL Super Bowl each year to waive players in order to avoid having contract years count against them for the upcoming year.

4.3 Trading

4.3.1 Process
Trades between teams are unlimited. When a trade is proposed, the following will occur:
A. Offering owner must offer the trade using MFL.
B. Accepting owner must accept the trade using MFL.
C. Offering owner and/or Accepting owner posts the trade in the LLD forum.
D. Offering owner by posting the trade in LLD forum is posting acceptance of the trade. (They do not need to post "accept")
E. Accepting owner posts acceptance of the trade in LLD forum.
F. Roster Management Commissioner will verify that the correct process has been followed and that no roster/contract violations will occur as a result of the trade. If any violations occur, the RMC will inform both owners in the trade thread what corrections must be made or why the trade cannot be processed. Once all trade requirements are met, the RMC will process the trade.

Any trade involving the Roster Management Commissioner may be adjudicated by the League Commissioner if it is deemed necessary by the commissioner.

All BB $ transactions that are included in any trade will be effective immediately upon Roster Manager Commissioner’s processing of the trade. Trades will not be approved if the team offering the BB $ does not have the amount of BB $ being offered. No "future" BB $ will be allowed in any trade.

4.3.2 Deadlines
The weekly trading deadline is before the start of that week's NFL games that affects the traded players. No players can be traded for that same week if a team has already placed that player in their starting lineup.  You may trade players the same week they have played as long as they are not in our starting lineup.  The season trading deadline is the Saturday @ 11:59 PM EDT before the start of the week 12 NFL games. Trades will not be considered "official" until the Commissioner has reviewed the trade and processed.

The LLD trading period resumes when the new year MFL site is made.

4.3.3 Trading and Contracts
Traded players contracts will be counted against the total years available to his NEW team and removed from his prior team. Any exchange of players between teams cannot leave either team with more than 50 total contract years for all players or exceed the maximum 20 man roster. If any trade violates this rule, the Player Commissioner will delay the trade until such time as the affected teams can make room under the contract/roster cap.

Owners also have the option of restructuring contracts of newly acquired players by paying 15 BB's per additional year they would like to add to the contract. Contract extensions must be posted into the trade thread of that trade in the league forum within 48 hours of being accepted. If the extension is not posted into the forum within that time frame, then the original contract of the player will remain in place.


Contracts of RFA players cannot be extended. Only players with 1 or more years on their contract can be extended.

4.3.4 Trading Draft Picks
Teams may trade picks from the current draft and the next immediate future draft only. If at any time a trade will result in an owner having fewer than one pick in the first three rounds OR less than 3 picks total (draft is currently set for 5 rounds) in the next year's draft, then the league dues for that year will be required from that owner before the trade is processed. The Roster Management Commissioner will put the trade on hold until treasurer confirms that all fees are received.

4.2.5 Vetoing Trades
If any trade appears to be so one-sided or otherwise unfair that it threatens to jeopardize the integrity of the league, the league owners may be asked to vote whether or not to approve the transaction. A simple majority of 8 votes is required for a challenged trade to be negated or accepted.

A vote will be required for any trade when the Commissioner or Roster Management Commissioner request a vote. In addition, a vote will be required if 3 requests by post in the league forum are made within 24 hours of the trade.

5 League Play

5.1 Schedule
The length of the regular season will be 14 weeks. Weekly league games will be played head-to-head against opposing franchises. Each team must play all of the teams in their division twice in the season on non-bye weeks.

5.2 Weekly Lineups
Each Franchise may start up to 9 players each week in accordance with the line-up guidelines below:

1 QB
1 RB
2 WR
1 TE
2 Flex (RB/WR/TE)
1 K
1 Def/ST

5.3 Lineup Submission
The deadline for naming starters is set by MFL rules, but generally a player is locked approximately one (1) minute before kick-off. On Thursday night games, only those players in that night's game must be submitted. The rest of the lineup will not be due until approximately one minute prior to each player's game kickoff; however it is good practice to set your lineup 5 minutes before kickoff since MFL's clock and your clock may not be synchronized.

If no lineup is submitted, the lineup for that week will default to the previous week’s lineup. Every effort should be made to submit a complete lineup each week throughout the season. Owners continuously submitting line-ups with bye or out players will be subject to replacement under rule 2.3.

Players can only be inserted into a starting line-up at a position for which they are listed on their NFL teams depth chart. The official source for player positions will be MFL.

5.4 Victory Points and Scoring

5.4.1 Victory Points (VP's)
Victory Points (VP's) uses a point system that awards both head to head (H2H) wins and weekly high scores. The League standings are kept with league points instead of wins and losses. Each team will earn a total of 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 VP's each week based on the criteria below in rules 5.4.2 and 5.4.3. The weekly league standings will be based on the amount of total Victory Points each team has accumulated to date.

5.4.2 Victory Points (VP's) Head-to-head (H2H)

Each week every team plays one (1) H2H game.

Each weekly H2H Win earns 2 VP's

Each weekly H2H tie earns 1 VP

Each weekly H2H Loss earns 0 VP's


5.4.3 Victory Points (VP's) High Scores
Additional Weekly VP's distribution for the total high scores for the week is divided into a 3-bucket tier with the top 4 weekly team scores receiving 2 VP's, the middle 6 weekly scoring teams receiving 1 VP and the lowest scoring 4 teams receive 0 VP's. Detailed breakdown is below.


No.1 point scoring team - 2 VP's

No.2 point scoring team - 2 VP's

No.3 point scoring team - 2 VP's

No.4 point scoring team - 2 VP's

No.5 point scoring team - 1 VP

No.6 point scoring team - 1 VP

No.7 point scoring team - 1 VP

No.8 point scoring team - 1 VP

No.9 point scoring team - 1 VP

No.10 point scoring team - 1 VP

No.11 point scoring team - 0 VP

No.12 point scoring team - 0 VP

No.13 point scoring team - 0 VP

No.14 point scoring team - 0 VP


5.4.4 Game Scoring

Scoring will be decimal based. Both the DEF/ST and the player gets credit for kickoff and punt return TD's. Also any return of a missed XP/2 point conversion for 2 pts.

Passing TD: 4 points

Receiving TD : 6 points

Rushing TD: 6 points

Return TD: 6 points

Fumble Return TD for Offensive players: 6 Points

Return of XP/2 point conversion miss for 2 points: 2 points



QB = 1 points per catch
RB = 1 points per catch
WR = 1 point per catch

TE = 1.5 points per catch

K = 1 point per catch


Passing Two-point Conversion: 2 points

Receiving Two-point Conversion: 2 points

Rushing Two-point Conversion: 2 points

Fumbles Lost: -1 point

Interceptions thrown: -1 point

Passing Yards: .05 points per 1 yard passing (20 yards = 1 point)

Rushing/Receiving Yards: .1 point per 1 yard rushing / receiving (10 yards = 1 point)

Punt Returns: 1 pt for every 20 yards

Kick Returns: 1 pt for every 40 yards

Special Scoring for Kickers

Field Goals: 3 points + .1 point per yard over 30 yards (i.e. a 34 yard FG = 3.4 points)

Extra Points: 1 point

Special Scoring for Def/ST

Blocked Field Goals / Punts: 2 points

Blocked Extra Points: 1 point

Fumbles Recovered: 2 points

Defensive/ST TDs (only includes int. returns, fumble returns, missed field goal attempts returned for TDs and blocked/missed kick returns): 6 points

Defensive/ST return of XP/2 point conversion miss for 2 points: 2 points

Interceptions Caught: 2 points

Turnovers on Downs: 1 point

Sacks: 1 point

Safeties: 4 points

Points Against (excluding defensive and special teams scores against)

0 PA = 10 points

1-7 PA = 7 points

8-14 PA = 5 points

15-23 PA = 3 points

24-39 PA = 0 points

40+ PA = -3 points

Yards Allowed:

0 - 99 YDS = 10 points

100 - 149 YDS = 7 points

150 - 199 YDS = 6 points

200 - 249 YDS = 4 points

250 - 299 YDS = 3 points

300 - 399 YDS = 0 points

400+ YDS = -3 points


5.5 Playoffs

The LLD Dynasty League playoffs will begin week 15 and end week 17.

5.5.1 Seeding

At the conclusion of Week 14, six (6) teams will earn a berth in the League Playoffs in Weeks 15, 16 and 17. These 6 teams will be the 2 Division winning teams and the 4 teams with the next highest amount of Victory Points. These 6 teams will play against each other in total points competition to determine League Champion. The winners are based on weekly points scored and there are no H2H matchups or Victory Points used in the League Playoffs. These 6 teams will be seeded 1 through 6 and the seeding will be determined in order as follows:

Seed 1 - Team with the most Victory Points

Seed 2 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points (not necessarily a Division Winner)

Seed 3 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points  (not necessarily a Division Winner)

Seed 4 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points  (not necessarily a Division Winner)

Seed 5 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points  (not necessarily a Division Winner)

Seed 6 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points


5.5.2 Seeding Non Playoff Teams
Seeding is used for the remainding 10 teams to determine the following year's rookie draft order and the six teams that will advance to the Toliet Bowl. Regular season placement will determine reverse rookie draft order for the following season, meaning the last place team will earn the 1st rookie draft spot, the 15th place finisher will earn the 2nd rookie draft spot, and so on. The reamining 10 non-playoff teams will be seeded 7 through 16 and the seeding will be determined in order as follows:

Seed 7 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 8 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 9 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 10 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 11 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 12 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 13 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points

Seed 14 - Team with the next highest amount of Victory Points


5.5.3 Seeding Tiebreakers
If there is a tie between teams in Victory Points, the following tie breakers will be used to determine Division winners as well as seeding:
A. Total Points scored weeks 1-14
B. Best overall H2H win/loss record weeks 1-14
C. Best overall Division record weeks 1-14
D. Total starting QB points weeks 1-14

5.5.3 Playoffs Schedule
During Weeks 15, 16 and 17, all 6 playoff teams will have their scores re-set to zero, will set their lineups and compete in a 3-week total points competition. The team which scores the most points during Weeks 15, 16 & 17 will be crowned League Champion. The team which scored 2nd most points will be runner-up. The team which scored 3rd most points will finish 3rd. The team which scored 4th most points will finish 4th. The team which scored 5th most points will finish 5th. The team which scored 6th most points will finish 6th. Playoff results will determine reverse rookie order, meaning the first place finisher will earn the 16th rookie draft spot, the second place finisher will earn the 15th rookie draft spot, and so on.

5.5.4 Playoff Tiebreakers
Tie breakers used in the LLD Dynasty League Playoffs for all playoff games will be:
A. The higher seed wins.

5.5.5 Toilet Bowl
During Weeks 15, 16 and 17, the bottom 6 teams will have their scores re-set to zero, will set their lineups and compete in a 3-week total points competition. The team which scores the most points during Weeks 15, 16 & 17 will be crowned Toilet Bowl Champion. The team which scored 2nd most points will be runner-up. The team which scored 3rd most points will finish 3rd. The Toilet Bowl Champ receives 1 BB the next season (and a ton of shame). Toilet Bowl results are not used to determine the following year's rookie draft order.

6 Restricted Free Agency
Once a player's contract expires, he becomes a Restricted Free Agent (RFA). RFA bidding begins April 1st and closes at the end of the day at 11:59 PM EDT on April 30th. No new auctions will be accepted after April 30th. Auction threads that are already in in-progress may continue beyond April 30th until a final offer is reached for a player. After the RFA signing period, any players that did not receive bids will remain on the current team's roster at no cost.

6.1 Bidding Process

All RFA bids are made in the league forum and each bid must include the player's name and the amount bid at a minimum. It is also suggested that you include the current owning team as well.  The suggested proper forum post thread subject title example is the following: "RFA bid - Randy Moss MIN WR - Current owner" or "RFA bid:Moss, Randy MIN WR - Current Owner".   Owners may not raise their own high bids or bid on their own players. If an owner raises their own bid or bids on their own player that bid is cancelled and the previous bid stands.  Once a bid is posted on a player, other interested owners may increase the bid. Owners may drop out of the bidding process for any individual player at any time unless they have the high bid. They may re-enter the process as long as bidding remains active for the player in question.

If you make a mistake when posting the bid (like forget to add the team of the player or who the owner is) do not edit your post I will fix it.

It is every owner's responsibility to check in daily to see if any of their players have been bid on or is in the awaiting for match phase regardless if the original post contains all the required info.  There are no do overs for a bid not having everything exactly correct in the original post.

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EDIT ANY BID ONCE YOU HAVE MADE IT.  YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RAISE YOUR OWN BIDS.  If you edit or raise your own bid the bid will be returned to the original bid which you will still be in play for but you will no longer to be able to bid on this RFA again if anyone else raises the bid.

6.2 Bid Closing / Matching

Once a player has been initially bid on, after 24 hours of inactivity the player will be marked “Team has until xx time to match”. The current owner will then have 24 hours to match the highest bid placed and retain the player. If the bid is matched or 24 hours has passed without a match then the auction will be marked “Matched or Won”.

Example if the last bid was at 3:17 PM ET the bid closes at 3:17 PM ET the next day (any bids made exactly 24 hours later do not count).  You then have 24 hours to match your bid so once 3:18 PM ET the next day happen the bid has been won by the high bidder.

(Weekends ARE included in the bidding process) and the player will be rewarded to either the highest RFA bidder or remain on the matching team. The RMC will administer these activities including updating each team's BB balance.

If a thread on a player is closed early by mistake and you want to bid on the player you need to open a new thread to bid on the player noting that it was closed early. In this case the bid must be placed within 24 hours of the closed player last bid time stamp

6.3 Overbidding
Owners who place bids must have enough BB's available to cover all outstanding high bids. If an owner overbids their budget at any time, that bid will be removed from the board. The time stamp on the bid remains the previous bid for raising the bid purposes.  The overbidding owner can no longer bid for said player. (This exclusion will remain even if overbidding owner makes a trade for more BB's.) All other bids placed by the offending owner will remain in effect. Anyone overbidding their BB balance will be penalized 5 BB's or receive 5 BB less in BB's per infraction when BB's are given out under rule 3.1.  If multiple infractions are made all bids that were made while over their budget before the $5 BB penalty will be removed.  If they have current bids on the board that leave them without proper funds should a team not match a player then they will go into negative balance for legal bids before going over budget caused by the $5 BB penalty.

6.4 Trading During RFA Period
If the rights to a player currently on the board is traded, the current high bidder will have 24 hours to increase his/her bid one time, even if bidding is "CLOSED." If the bidding is "CLOSED", then only the current high bidder may bid. If bidding has not "CLOSED" for the traded player, then anyone may bid as before.  The commish will post that a trade of a RFA has occurred and post the new time stamp for how long the high bidder has to raise their bid.

In addition, if an owner receives BB's as a part of a trade because the owner did not have enough BB's to match all their current player bids, the current high bidder will have 24 hours to increase his/her bid one time, even if bidding is "CLOSED."  If the bid is raised or if closed and the high bidder announces that it will not be raised the owner will have the remaining left time left to match the bid adding the dead time between the trade time and the announced time it won't be raised.  The commish will post that a trade of a RFA has occurred and post the new time stamp for how long the high bidder has to raise their bid.

7 Rookie Draft

7.1 Draft
The LLD Dynasty League rookie draft will take place the third week of May each year. The draft will proceed in reverse order based on the previous season's finish (total points as tie-breaker). In year one, the draft will proceed in reverse order of the vet draft. The draft will last 5 rounds and will be a straight draft (non-serpentine), except for year one which will be a serpentine draft. The draft will be conducted in the LLD MFL site. If an owner withdraws from the league during the draft, the draft will stop until a new owner is found and begin when the new owner is selected without penalizing the new team.

7.2 Eligibility
Only rookies will be eligible to be drafted. As defined by the NFL CBA, a Rookie is defined as a person who has never signed a Player Contract with an NFL Club previous to this year. An undrafted Rookie means a Rookie who was eligible for, but not selected in a College Draft. (College and High School players are not selectable.) If a player signs a contract, gets cut before playing any games, then re-signs with another team, he is now a free agent and loses his rookie status. For the purposes of this league: If a player signs a contract and is cut during the preseason, then signs with another NFL Team, he will be considered to be a rookie.

7.3 Timing
There will be a 16 hour timer in force during the draft. Each owner is encouraged to use pre-selects and make picks as soon as possible. Owners should communicate any potential long absences from the boards to the league via the Huddle forum and have a contingency plan for picks to be made for them in their absence (i.e. pre-selects). If an owner is "on the clock" for more than 16 hours during the draft and the site skips their pick they can still make their pick by posting in the forum who they want as long as the player has not been picked.  If the draft ends all picks not yet taken must be made within 24 hours of the draft ending or those teams forfeit their picks.

8.0 Miscellaneous
Stat corrections will be applied automatically each week on Thursday based on Stat corrections updated by MFL. If for some reason the stat corrections must be applied manually, then they must be applied before the start of the date of the first game in the next week.

Edited May 26 by Henry Muto

Edited by Henry Muto
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