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Free agent bidding


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With the draft complete, every team now has 25 credits to work with.  Note that in order to pick up players, you need to comply with the rules below.  Please start a new topic entitled "FA: Player's Name".  In the first post of each thread, the initial bidder should state the players name again, their position (QB, RB), NFL team in the first line.  In the second line, the amount of credits for that particular bid.  In the third line, the team name of who the bid is for (98% of the time, it is obvious, but sometimes, if time is sensitive, and someone is out of town, you can start the post for someone - state that it was by phone call - and then the team owner must corroborate that bid prior to awarding the bid).  You may need a fourth line to post your waived player, or can wait until the player is acquired (after a bid is maintained for 48 hours) before posting your waived player.


Here is the section on free agency from the rules:


11. Free Agency

11.1: The term free agency applies to unrestricted free agents, those players not currently on any teams roster. Although, waived free agents may carry a contract that must be acquired with the free agent.

11.2: The minimum bid for a free agent is 2 credits.

11.3: To sign a free agent, a team must post a FA bid to the league board designating the bidding team, the player, the bid amount and the waived player if the acquisition will cause the team roster to exceed 20 players. Any team may exceed the current bid. A player is signed if any bid is not exceeded by a higher bid within 48 hours of placing the bid. The bid amount will be deducted from the acquiring team's credit total.

11.3.1:  All FA posts and bids placed upon the boards must come from the owner placing the post. (Texts, e-mail, phone calls etc. are not valid posts.)

11.4: Once a free agent is signed the Commissioner or any Co-Commissioner will post to the free agent thread that the player is acquired. All bidding will stop at that time. If the Commissioner or any Co-Commissioner is late in his post of acquisition, the time limit will still be enforced. After the thread has been stopped, the acquiring team needs to immediately assign a contract to the acquired player and post it to the thread. The Commissioner will post that the transaction has been applied to the fantasy management site and the webmaster will post that the roster page and transaction page have been updated with the acquisition. Then the thread will be locked.

11.5: The deadline for free agent pickups will be the beginning of week 13, the last week of the regular season. In other words, all free agent threads must be started before the kick off of week 13 games.

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